Kreira textdraw za jednog igrača.
Kreira textdraw za jednog igrača.
Checks if a player-textdraw is shown for the player.
Checks if a player-textdraw is valid.
Ovaj callback je pozvan kada igrač klikne na player-textdraw.
Postavlja poravnanje teksta player-textdrawa.
Podesite boju pozadine player-textdrawa.
Adjust the background colour of a player-textdraw.
Postavlja boju box-a textdraw-a (PlayerTextDrawUseBox).
Sets the colour of a textdraw's box (PlayerTextDrawUseBox ).
Postavlja boju teksta player-textdrawa.
Sets the text colour of a player-textdraw.
Uništi player-textdraw.
Promijeni font player-textdrawa.
Gets the text alignment of a player-textdraw.
Gets the background color of a player-textdraw
Gets the background colour of a player-textdraw
Gets the box color of a player-textdraw
Gets the box colour of a player-textdraw
Gets the text color of a player-textdraw
Gets the text colour of a player-textdraw
Gets the text font of a player-textdraw.
Gets the width and height of the letters.
Get the outline size on a player-textdraw.
Gets the position of a player-textdraw.
Gets the preview model of a 3D preview player-textdraw.
Gets the rotation and zoom of a 3D model preview player-textdraw.
Gets the preview vehicle colors of a 3D preview player-textdraw.
Gets the preview vehicle colors of a 3D preview player-textdraw.
Get the shadow size on a player-textdraw.
Gets the text of a player-textdraw.
Gets the X axis and Y axis of the player-textdraw text size.
Sakrij player-textdraw za igrača kojem je kreiran.
Checks if a player-textdraw is box.
Checks if a player-textdraw is proportional.
Checks if a player-textdraw is selectable.
Postavlja širinu i visinu slova u player-textdrawu.
Postavite outline za player-textdraw.
Sets the position of a player-textdraw.
Postavlja player-textdrawu 3D pregled određenog ID-a modela.
Postavlja rotaciju i zumiranje prikaza 3D modela u player-textdrawu.
Postavlja boju vozila prikaza modela u player-textdrawu (ako je prikazano vozilo).
Set the colour of a vehicle in a player-textdraw model preview (if a vehicle is shown).
Prilagođava razmak između teksta proporcionalnom omjeru.
Omogućuje/onemogućuje da li player-textdraw može biti selektovan ili ne.
Dodaje sjenku na donju desnu stranu teksta u player-textdrawu.
Promijeni tekst player-textdrawa.
Prikaži player-textdraw igraču za kojeg je kreiran.
Promijeni veličinu player-textdrawa (box ako je PlayerTextDrawUseBox omogućen i/ili klikljivo područje za koristiti sa PlayerTextDrawSetSelectable).
Omogući/onemogući korišćenje box-a za player-textdraw.