Shows 'game text' (on-screen text) for a certain length of time for a specific player.
Name | Description |
playerid | The ID of the player to show the gametext for. |
const format[] | The text to be displayed. |
time | The duration of the text being shown in milliseconds. |
style | The style of text to be displayed. |
OPEN_MP_TAGS:... | Indefinite number of arguments of any tag. |
true - The function executed successfully. Success is reported when the style and/or time is invalid. Nothing will happen though (no text displayed). May also cause game crashes.
false - The function failed to execute. This means either the string is null or the player is not connected.
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, WEAPON:reason)
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "Wasted", 5000, 2);
if (killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
GameTextForPlayer(killerid, "~w~You killed ~r~%s", 3000, 3, name);
return 1;
Do note that the players may crash because of odd number of tilde (~) symbols used in the game text. Using color codes (e.g. r) beyond the 255th character may crash the client.
Also, a blank space at end of the string may result in faliure. For example: "Headshot "
results in failure. Instead it should be "Headshot"
or "Headshot_"
Related Functions
- HideGameTextForPlayer: Stop showing a gametext style to a player.
- GameTextForAll: Display gametext to all players.
- HideGameTextForAll: Stop showing a gametext style for all players.
- GetGameText: Gets all the information on the given game text style.
- HasGameText: Does the player currently have text in the given gametext style displayed?
- TextDrawShowForAll: Show a textdraw for all players.