The function gets the number of open database connections for debugging purposes.
The function has no parameters.
printf("Database connection count: %d", DB_GetDatabaseConnectionCount());
Related Functions
- DB_Open: Open a connection to an SQLite database
- DB_Close: Close the connection to an SQLite database
- DB_ExecuteQuery: Query an SQLite database
- DB_FreeResultSet: Free result memory from a DB_ExecuteQuery
- DB_GetRowCount: Get the number of rows in a result
- DB_SelectNextRow: Move to the next row
- DB_GetFieldCount: Get the number of fields in a result
- DB_GetFieldName: Returns the name of a field at a particular index
- DB_GetFieldString: Get content of field with specified ID from current result row
- DB_GetFieldStringByName: Get content of field with specified name from current result row
- DB_GetFieldInt: Get content of field as an integer with specified ID from current result row
- DB_GetFieldIntByName: Get content of field as an integer with specified name from current result row
- DB_GetFieldFloat: Get content of field as a float with specified ID from current result row
- DB_GetFieldFloatByName: Get content of field as a float with specified name from current result row
- DB_GetMemHandle: Get memory handle for an SQLite database that was opened with db_open.
- DB_GetLegacyDBResult: Get memory handle for an SQLite query that was executed with DB_ExecuteQuery.
- DB_GetDatabaseConnectionCount: The function gets the number of open database connections for debugging purposes.
- DB_GetDatabaseResultSetCount: The function gets the number of open database results.