You can use this function to attach the player camera to objects.
You can use this function to attach the player camera to objects.
You can use this function to attach objects to other objects.
Attach an object to a player.
Attach an object to a vehicle.
You can use this function to attach player-objects to other player-objects.
The same as AttachObjectToPlayer but for objects which were created for player.
Attach a player object to a vehicle.
Allows a player to edit an object (position and rotation) using their mouse on a GUI (Graphical User Interface).
Display the cursor and allow the player to select an object.
Allows players to edit a player-object (position and rotation) with a GUI and their mouse.
Creates an object at specified coordinates in the game world.
Creates an object which will be visible to only one player.
Destroys (removes) an object that was created using CreateObject.
Destroy a player-object created using CreatePlayerObject.
Enter edition mode for an attached object.
Cancel object edition mode for a player.
Get the attachment data of an object.
Get the attachment offset and rotation of an object.
Get the draw distance of an object.
Get the material data from an index of the object.
Get the material text data from an index of the object.
Get the model ID of an object (CreateObject).
Get the move speed of an object.
Get the move target position of an object.
Get the move target rotation of an object.
Get the position of an object.
Use this function to get the objects current rotation.
Get the sync rotation of an object.
Get the type of an object. (global or player)
Gets the player attachment object data by index.
Allows you to retrieve the ID of the player-object the player is looking at.
Get the attachment data of a player-object.
Get the attachment offset and rotation of a player-object.
Get the draw distance of a player-object.
Get the material data from an index of the player-object.
Get the material text data from an index of the player-object.
Retrieve the model ID of a player-object.
Get the move speed of a player-object.
Get the move target position of a player-object.
Get the move target rotation of a player-object.
Get the position of a player object (CreatePlayerObject).
Get the sync rotation of a player-object.
Returns the ID of the player-object the player is surfing on.
Checks if an object has camera collision enabled. (SetObjectNoCameraCollision)
Checks if a player-object has camera collision enabled. (SetPlayerObjectNoCameraCollision)
Hide an object for a player.
Checks if an object is hidden for a player.
Checks if a slot of object material is used.
Checks if the given objectid is moving.
Check if a player has an object attached in the specified index (slot).
Checks if a slot of player-object material is used.
Checks if the given player objectid is moving.
Checks if an object with the ID provided exists.
Checks if the given object ID is valid for the given player.
Move an object to a new position with a set speed.
This callback is called when an object is moved after MoveObject (when it stops moving).
This callback is called when a player ends attached object edition mode.
This callback is called when a player finishes editing an object (BeginObjectEditing/BeginPlayerObjectEditing).
This callback is called when a player object is moved after MovePlayerObject (when it stops moving).
This callback is called when a player selects an object after BeginObjectSelecting has been used.
Remove an attached object from a player.
Replace the texture of an object with the texture from another model in the game.
Replace the texture of an object with text.
Set the move speed of an object.
Disable collisions between players' cameras and the specified object.
Change the position of an object.
Set the rotation of an object on the three axes (X, Y and Z).
Allows camera collisions with newly created objects to be disabled by default.
Allows camera collisions with newly created objects to be disabled by default.
Attach an object to a specific bone on a player.
Replace the texture of a player-object with the texture from another model in the game.
Replace the texture of a player object with text.
Set the move speed of a player-object.
Sets the position of a player-object to the specified coordinates.
Set the rotation of an object on the X, Y and Z axis.
Show an object for a player.
Stop a moving object after MoveObject has been used.