You can use this function to attach player-objects to other player-objects.
You can use this function to attach player-objects to other player-objects.
The same as AttachObjectToPlayer but for objects which were created for player.
Attach a player object to a vehicle.
Allows players to edit a player-object (position and rotation) with a GUI and their mouse.
Creates an object which will be visible to only one player.
Destroy a player-object created using CreatePlayerObject.
Allows you to retrieve the ID of the player-object the player is looking at.
Get the attachment data of a player-object.
Get the attachment offset and rotation of a player-object.
Get the draw distance of a player-object.
Get the material data from an index of the player-object.
Get the material text data from an index of the player-object.
Retrieve the model ID of a player-object.
Get the move speed of a player-object.
Get the move target position of a player-object.
Get the move target rotation of a player-object.
Get the position of a player object (CreatePlayerObject).
Get the sync rotation of a player-object.
Returns the ID of the player-object the player is surfing on.
Checks if a player-object has camera collision enabled. (SetPlayerObjectNoCameraCollision)
Checks if a slot of player-object material is used.
Checks if the given player objectid is moving.
Checks if the given object ID is valid for the given player.
This callback is called when a player object is moved after MovePlayerObject (when it stops moving).
Replace the texture of a player-object with the texture from another model in the game.
Replace the texture of a player object with text.
Set the move speed of a player-object.
Sets the position of a player-object to the specified coordinates.
Set the rotation of an object on the X, Y and Z axis.