Closes a SQLite database connection that was opened with `db_open`.
Closes a SQLite database connection that was opened with `db_open`.
The function is used to execute an SQL query on an opened SQLite database.
Frees result memory allocated from DB_ExecuteQuery.
Gets the number of open database connections for debugging purposes.
Gets the number of open database results
Gets the number of fields from the specified result set allocated with `DB_ExecuteQuery`.
Gets the content of a field as a floating point number with the specified field index.
Gets the contents of the field as a floating point number with the specified field name.
Get the content of a field as an integer from DB_ExecuteQuery.
Gets the contents of the field as an integer with the specified field name.
Returns the name of the field at the specified index.
Get the content of a field from DB_ExecuteQuery.
Gets the contents of the field as a string with the specified field name.
Gets the memory handle for a SQLite database result set that was allocated with `DB_ExecuteQuery`.
Gets the memory handle for a SQLite database connection that was opened with `DB_Open`.
Returns the number of rows from a DB_ExecuteQuery.
The function is used to open a connection to a SQLite database file, which is inside the `/scriptfiles` folder.
Moves to the next row of the result set allocated with `DB_ExecuteQuery`.