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SA-MP Objects


You can refer this website for a preview and list of all supported objects along with their ids.

List of custom objects

This page contains a list of the custom objects added to SA:MP in the 0.3c, 0.3d, 0.3e, 0.3x and 0.3.7 versions.

Objects added in 0.3.7 RC4 (61 objects)

The following objects (11692 to 11753) were added in SA-MP 0.3.7 RC4 and are not supplied with earlier versions!

A51 Replacement Land Bit

This object is designed to replace the land section at the Area 51 (69) Base (object ID 16203). Use the new filterscript called "a51_base" to see an example... it can be found in the "filterscripts" folder of the Windows 0.3.7 server package.

11692	A51LandBit1


11693	Hills250x250Grass1
11694 Hill250x250Rocky1
11695 Hill250x250Rocky2
11696 Hill250x250Rocky3

Modular Rope Bridge

11697	RopeBridgePart1
11698 RopeBridgePart2

More Road Signs

The speed limit sign below has a transparent material overlay (index 3) so you can use it with the SetObjectMaterialText() or SetPlayerObjectMaterialText() functions.

11698	SAMPRoadSign46
11700 SAMPRoadSign47

Ambulance Lights

First object is with lights on and second is with lights off.

11701	AmbulanceLights1
11702 AmbulanceLights2

Magnetic Crane Object

This object is the same as object ID 1382 except GTASA will not automatically attach the crane cable and magnet to it.

11703	MagnoCrane_03_2

Extracted Items 2

11704	BDupsMask1
11705 BlackTelephone1
11706 SmallWasteBin1
11707 TowelRack1
11708 BrickSingle1
11709 AbattoirSink1
11710 FireExitSign1
11711 ExitSign1
11712 Cross1
11713 FireExtPanel1
11714 MaintenanceDoors1
11715 MetalFork1
11716 MetalKnife1
11717 WooziesCouch1
11718 SweetsSaucepan1
11719 SweetsSaucepan2
11720 SweetsBed1
11721 Radiator1
11722 SauceBottle1
11723 SauceBottle2
11724 FireplaceSurround1
11725 Fireplace1
11726 HangingLight1
11727 PaperChaseLight1
11728 PaperChasePhone1
11729 GymLockerClosed1
11730 GymLockerOpen1
11731 WHeartBed1
11732 WHeartBath1
11733 WRockingHorse1
11734 WRockingChair1
11735 WBoot1
11736 MedicalSatchel1
11737 RockstarMat1
11738 MedicCase1

Extracted from Marco's Bistro

11739	MCake1
11740 MCake2
11741 MCake3
11742 MCakeSlice1
11743 MCoffeeMachine1
11744 MPlate1

Hold All (Carry Bag) Edited

This object is the same as ID 2919 except it is smaller and not dynamic.

11745	HoldAllEdited1

Misc Items 3

11746 DoorKey1
11747 Bandage1
11748 BandagePack1

Cutscene Handcuffs

11749	CSHandcuffs1

The handcuffs below are the same as above except they are folded in half so they can be attached to an officers belt.

11750	CSHandcuffs2

Area Boundaries

11751	AreaBoundary50m
11752 AreaBoundary10m
11753 AreaBoundary1m

Objects added in 0.3.7 RC3 (138 objects)

19871	CordonStand1
19872 CarFixerRamp2
19873 ToiletPaperRoll1
19874 SoapBar1

This door is the same as object ID 2947 except it is not dynamic (breakable) and the pivot point has been moved.

19875	CRDoor01New

Dillimore Gas Station

Replaces object IDs 12853 and 12854 with an enterable version of the Dillimore Gas Station. Use the new filterscript called "dillimore_gas" to see an example.. it can be found in the "filterscripts" folder of the Windows 0.3.7 server package.

19876	DillimoreGasExt1
19877 DillimoreGasInt1

GTASA Skateboard

Edited to work as a normal object and added vertex colours.

19878	Skateboard1

LS Wells Fargo

This building is a replacement for the LS Wells Fargo building (object ID 4007). It makes the car park enterable. Use the new filterscript called "ls_wellsfargo" to see an example... it can be found in the "filterscripts" folder of the Windows 0.3.7 server package.

19879	WellsFargoBuild1
19880 WellsFargoGrgDoor1

Kylie's Barn Fixed

This barn is the same as object ID 14871 except the collision (COL) has been fixed. Use the new filterscript called "kylies_barn" to see an example... it can be found in the "filterscripts" folder of the Windows 0.3.7 server package.

19881	KylieBarnFixed1

Marco's Steak Cooked

This steak is the same as object ID 19582 except it is cooked.

19882	MarcosSteak2

Slice of Bread

19883	BreadSlice1

More Water Slide Sections

These objects are designed to work with the old existing object IDs 19070 to 19073. The old objects have also been updated to improve their look and fix some alpha rendering issues.

19884	WSBend45Deg2
19885 WSStraight2
19886 WSStraight3
19887 WSStart1
19888 WSBend45Deg3
19889 WSBend45Deg4
19890 WSStraight4

The object below can be used to join these water slide sections to a tube.

19891	WSTubeJoiner1

The object below can be used to join these water slide sections to a modular road.

19892	WSRoadJoiner1

Laptop (Old Style)

Same laptop in open and closed positions. You can change the screen using the SetObjectMaterial() function on index 1. There are three screen variations in the TXD file (see below for picture):

  • LaptopScreen1 = GTASA map screen (default)
  • LaptopScreen2 = Text screen
  • LaptopScreen3 = Police database screen
19893	LaptopSAMP1
19894 LaptopSAMP2


Ladder Fire Truck Lights

These lights can be used on top of the ladder fire truck. Note that they will only be visible at night.

19895	LadderFireTruckLts1

Misc Items

19896	CigarettePack1
19897 CigarettePack2
19898 OilFloorStain1
19899 ToolCabinet1
19900 ToolCabinet2

ANIM Objects

The objects below are ANIM objects (animated). They were added in the SA-MP 0.3c and 0.3.7 versions.

19901	AnimTube
19902 EnExMarker4

Misc Items Continued

19903	MechanicComputer1
19904 ConstructionVest1

Area 51 (69) Buildings

These objects are basically the same as the original buildings but now with an interior. Use the new filterscript called "a51_base" to see an example (replaced buildings at A51 with gates that open and close)... it can be found in the "filterscripts" folder of the Windows 0.3.7 server package.

19905	A51Building1
19906 A51Building1GrgDoor
19907 A51Building2
19908 A51Building2GrgDoor
19909 A51Building3
19910 A51Building3GrgDoor

The door below is designed to fit on the A51/69 Military Hangar (object ID 3268). It takes two doors to close the entrance.

19911	A51HangarDoor1

Metal Gate and Big Fence

This gate is the same as object ID 980 except it has no signs on it and the pivot point is on the edge.

19912	SAMPMetalGate1

Big metal fence which is useful for enclosing areas for events or mini-games.

19913	SAMPBigFence1

Extracted from Cutscene IMG and Edited 2

19914	CutsceneBat1
19915 CutsceneCooker1
19916 CutsceneFridge1
19917 CutsceneEngine1
19918 CutsceneBox1
19919 CutscenePerch1
19920 CutsceneRemote1
19921 CutsceneToolBox1

Modular Kitchen

These objects can be used to assemble a modular kitchen in various ways.

19922	MKTable1
19923 MKIslandCooker1
19924 MKExtractionHood1
19925 MKWorkTop1
19926 MKWorkTop2
19927 MKWorkTop3
19928 MKWorkTop4
19929 MKWorkTop5
19930 MKWorkTop6
19931 MKWorkTop7
19932 MKWallOvenCabinet1
19933 MKWallOven1
19934 MKCupboard1
19935 MKCupboard2
19936 MKCupboard3
19937 MKCupboard4
19938 MKShelf1
19939 MKShelf2
19940 MKShelf3

Misc Items 2

19941	GoldBar1
19942 PoliceRadio1
19943 StonePillar1
19944 BodyBag1


These objects can be used as an alternative to the normal checkpoints.

19945	CPSize16Red
19946 CPSize16Green
19947 CPSize16Blue


Road Signs

A collection of various road signs.

19948	SAMPRoadSign1
19949 SAMPRoadSign2
19950 SAMPRoadSign3
19951 SAMPRoadSign4
19952 SAMPRoadSign5
19953 SAMPRoadSign6
19954 SAMPRoadSign7
19955 SAMPRoadSign8
19956 SAMPRoadSign9
19957 SAMPRoadSign10
19958 SAMPRoadSign11
19959 SAMPRoadSign12
19960 SAMPRoadSign13
19961 SAMPRoadSign14
19962 SAMPRoadSign15
19963 SAMPRoadSign16
19964 SAMPRoadSign17
19965 SAMPRoadSign18
19966 SAMPRoadSign19
19967 SAMPRoadSign20
19968 SAMPRoadSign21
19969 SAMPRoadSign22
19970 SAMPRoadSign23
19971 SAMPRoadSign24
19972 SAMPRoadSign25
19973 SAMPRoadSign26
19974 SAMPRoadSign27
19975 SAMPRoadSign28
19976 SAMPRoadSign29
19977 SAMPRoadSign30
19978 SAMPRoadSign31
19979 SAMPRoadSign32

The two signs below have a transparent material overlay (index 3) so you can use it with the SetObjectMaterialText() or SetPlayerObjectMaterialText() functions.

19980	SAMPRoadSign33
19981 SAMPRoadSign34

Speed limit signs.

19982	SAMPRoadSign35
19983 SAMPRoadSign36
19984 SAMPRoadSign37
19985 SAMPRoadSign38
19986 SAMPRoadSign39
19987 SAMPRoadSign40
19988 SAMPRoadSign41
19989 SAMPRoadSign42
19990 SAMPRoadSign43
19991 SAMPRoadSign44
19992 SAMPRoadSign45


Extracted from Cutscene IMG and Edited 3

19993	CutsceneBowl1
19994 CutsceneChair1
19995 CutsceneAmmoClip1
19996 CutsceneFoldChair1
19997 CutsceneGrgTable1
19998 CutsceneLighterFl
19999 CutsceneChair2

Extracted from Cutscene IMG and Edited 3 Continued

11682	CutsceneCouch1
11683 CutsceneCouch2
11684 CutsceneCouch3
11685 CutsceneCouch4

Redsands West Casino Extracted and Edited Items

11686	CBarSection1
11687 CBarStool1
11688 CWorkTop1
11689 CBoothSeat1
11690 CTable1
11691 CTable2

Objects added in 0.3.7 RC2 (82 objects)

Modular Island Road Corner

19788	15x15RoadCorner1


19789	Cube1mx1m
19790 Cube5mx5m
19791 Cube10mx10m

Normal Sized Keycard

19792	SAMPKeycard1

Fire Wood Log

19793	FireWoodLog1

LS Prison Walls and Gates

These objects are designed to replace the walls and gates at the LS Prison so you can add your own working gates. Use the new filterscript called "ls_prisonwalls" to see an example. Note that it is only included in the Filterscripts folder of the Windows 0.3.7 server package.

19794	LSPrisonWalls1
19795 LSPrisonGateEast
19796 LSPrisonGateSouth

Police Visor Strobe

This object is designed to be used inside your vehicle on the visor (eg in an undercover police vehicle). It uses UV animation so the flashing is visible during the day and night.

19797	PoliceVisorStrobe1

LS Apartments Car Park

This car park object is used with the replacement block of LS apartments (ID:19595). The filterscript called "ls_apartments1" shows an example of how it can be used... it can be found in the "filterscripts" folder of the Windows 0.3.7 server package.

19798	LSACarPark1

Caligula's Casino Vault Door Edited

Edited to fix the pivot so it can be used with MoveObject() and also fixed the night vertex colours. Original object ID is 2634.

19799	CaligulasVaultDoor

LS BeachSide Car Park

This car park object is used with the replacement LS BeachSide building (IDs 19596 and 19597). The filterscript called "ls_beachside" shows an example of how the building can be used... it can be found in the "filterscripts" folder of the Windows 0.3.7 server package. It is created by default from lines defined in the SAMP.IPL file.

19800	LSACarPark1


19801	Balaclava1

Static Door

This door is the same as object ID 1502 except it is static. You can animate it opening and closing with the MoveObject() function.

19802	GenDoorINT04Static

Tow Truck Lights

These lights can be used on top of the tow truck. The light configuration was created by Vince. Note that they will only be visible at night.

19803	TowTruckLights1


19804	Padlock1

Extracted Items

The whiteboard object below has a transparent material overlay (index 1) so you can use it with the SetObjectMaterialText() or SetPlayerObjectMaterialText() functions.

19805	Whiteboard1
19806 Chandelier1
19807 Telephone1
19808 Keyboard1
19809 MetalTray1
19810 StaffOnlySign1
19811 BurgerBox1
19812 BeerKeg1
19813 ElectricalOutlet1
19814 ElectricalOutlet2
19815 ToolBoard1
19816 OxygenCylinder1
19817 CarFixerRamp1
19818 WineGlass1
19819 CocktailGlass1
19820 AlcoholBottle1
19821 AlcoholBottle2
19822 AlcoholBottle3
19823 AlcoholBottle4
19824 AlcoholBottle5
19825 SprunkClock1
19826 LightSwitch1
19827 LightSwitch2
19828 LightSwitch3Off
19829 LightSwitch3On
19830 Blender1
19831 Barbeque1
19832 AmmoBox1
19833 Cow1
19834 PoliceLineTape1
19835 CoffeeCup1

Objects That Use Particle.TXD

The objects below use textures from the Particle.TXD GTASA file. The grass clumps can be used to create a mowing RP job.

19836	BloodPool1
19837 GrassClump1
19838 GrassClump2
19839 GrassClump3

Animated Waterfalls

The objects below use UV animation to create moving water for a waterfall and/or river.

19840	WaterFall1
19841 WaterFall2
19842 WaterFallWater1

Metal Panels

19843	MetalPanel1
19844 MetalPanel2
19845 MetalPanel3
19846 MetalPanel4

Leg of Ham

19847	LegHam1

CargoBob Platform

This platform is designed to attach to the side of the CargoBob helicopter using the AttachObjectToVehicle function so you can carry people around.

19848	CargoBobPlatform1

Modular Island House 1

These objects are designed to work with the other modular island objects above (IDs:19529 to 19552). Use the new filterscript called "modular_houses" to see an example... it can be found in the "filterscripts" folder of the Windows 0.3.7 server package.

19849	MIHouse1Land
19850 MIHouse1Land2
19851 MIHouse1Land3
19852 MIHouse1Land4
19853 MIHouse1Land5
19854 MIHouse1Outside
19855 MIHouse1Inside
19856 MIHouse1IntWalls1
19857 MIHouse1Door1
19858 MIHouse1Door2
19859 MIHouse1Door3
19860 MIHouse1Door4
19861 MIHouse1GarageDoor1
19862 MIHouse1GarageDoor2
19863 MIHouse1GarageDoor3
19864 MIHouse1GarageDoor4
19865 MIFenceWood1
19866 MIFenceBlocks1

Non-Breakable Mail Box

This mail box is same as object ID 1478 except it is not dynamic (breakable) and the night vertex colours (NVC) have been fixed.

19867	MailBox1

Non-Breakable Mesh Fences and Gate

These fence sections are the same as object IDs 1411 and 1412 except they are not dynamic (breakable).

19868	MeshFence1
19869 MeshFence2

This metal gate is the same as object ID 3036 except it is not dynamic (breakable).

19870	MeshFence1

Objects added in 0.3.7 RC1 (265 objects)

19305	sec_keypad2
19306 kmb_goflag2
19307 kmb_goflag3

Objects added in 0.3.7 (3 Objects)

19305	sec_keypad2
19306 kmb_goflag2
19307 kmb_goflag3

Objects added in 0.3x RC2-4 (6 objects)

19516	Hair2_nc
19517 Hair3_nc
19518 Hair5_nc
19519 Hair1_nc
19520 pilotHat01
19521 policeHat01

Objects added in 0.3e RC7 (31 objects)

19475	Plane001
19476 Plane002
19477 Plane003
19478 Plane004
19479 Plane005
19480 Plane006
19481 Plane007
19482 Plane008
19483 Plane009
19484 landbit01_01
19485 Groundbit84_SFS_01
19486 burg_SFS_01
19487 tophat02
19488 HatBowler6
19489 sfhouse1
19490 sfhouse1int
19491 sfhouse2
19492 sfhouse2int
19493 sfhouse3
19494 sfhouse3int
19495 sfhouse4
19496 sfhouse4int
19497 lvhouse1
19498 lvhouse1int
19499 lvhouse2
19500 lvhouse2int
19501 lvhouse3
19502 lvhouse3int
19503 lvhouse4
19504 lvhouse4int
19505 lshouse1
19506 lshouse1int
19507 lshouse2
19508 lshouse2int
19509 lshouse3
19510 lshouse3int
19511 lshouse4
19512 lshouse4int
19513 whitephone
19514 SWATHgrey
19515 SWATAgrey

Objects added in 0.3e RC6 (5 objects)

19470	forsale01
19471 forsale02
19472 gasmask01
19473 grassplant01
19474 pokertable01

Objects added in 0.3e RC4 (44 objects)

19426	wall066
19427 wall067
19428 wall068
19429 wall069
19430 wall070
19431 wall071
19432 wall072
19433 wall073
19434 wall074
19435 wall075
19436 wall076
19437 wall077
19438 wall078
19439 wall079
19440 wall080
19441 wall081
19442 wall082
19443 wall083
19444 wall084
19445 wall085
19446 wall086
19447 wall087
19448 wall088
19449 wall089
19450 wall090
19451 wall091
19452 wall092
19453 wall093
19454 wall094
19455 wall095
19456 wall096
19457 wall097
19458 wall098
19459 wall099
19460 wall100
19461 wall101
19462 wall102
19463 wall103
19464 wall104
19465 wall105
19466 window001
19467 vehicle_barrier01
19468 bucket01
19469 scarf01

Objects added in 0.3e RC3 (54 objects)

19372	wall020
19373 wall021
19374 wall022
19375 wall023
19376 wall024
19377 wall025
19378 wall026
19379 wall027
19380 wall028
19381 wall029
19382 wall030
19383 wall031
19384 wall032
19385 wall033
19386 wall034
19387 wall035
19388 wall036
19389 wall037
19390 wall038
19391 wall039
19392 wall040
19393 wall041
19394 wall042
19395 wall043
19396 wall044
19397 wall045
19398 wall046
19399 wall047
19400 wall048
19401 wall049
19402 wall050
19403 wall051
19404 wall052
19405 wall053
19406 wall054
19407 wall055
19408 wall056
19409 wall057
19410 wall058
19411 wall059
19412 wall060
19413 wall061
19414 wall062
19415 wall063
19416 wall064
19417 wall065
19418 handcuffs01
19419 police_lights01
19420 police_lights02
19421 headphones01
19422 headphones02
19423 headphones03
19424 headphones04
19425 speed_bump01

Objects added in 0.3e RC1 (25 objects)

19347	badge01
19348 cane01
19349 monocle01
19350 moustache01
19351 moustache02
19352 tophat01
19353 wall001
19354 wall002
19355 wall003
19356 wall004
19357 wall005
19358 wall006
19359 wall007
19360 wall008
19361 wall009
19362 wall010
19363 wall011
19364 wall012
19365 wall013
19366 wall014
19367 wall015
19368 wall016
19369 wall017
19370 wall018
19371 wall019

Objects added in 0.3d (8 objects)

19339	coffin01
19340 cslab01
19341 easter_egg01
19342 easter_egg02
19343 easter_egg03
19344 easter_egg04
19345 easter_egg05
19346 hotdog01

Objects added in 0.3d RC7 (16 Objects)

19322	mallb_laW02
19323 lsmall_shop01
19325 lsmall_window01
19326 7_11_sign01
19327 7_11_sign02
19328 7_11_sign03
19329 7_11_sign04
19330 fire_hat01
19331 fire_hat02
19332 Hot_Air_Balloon01
19333 Hot_Air_Balloon02
19334 Hot_Air_Balloon03
19335 Hot_Air_Balloon04
19336 Hot_Air_Balloon05
19337 Hot_Air_Balloon06
19338 Hot_Air_Balloon07

Objects added in 0.3d RC3-3 (14 Objects)

19308	taxi01
19309 taxi02
19310 taxi03
19311 taxi04
19312 a51fencing
19313 a51fensin
19314 bullhorns01
19315 deer01
19316 FerrisCageBit01
19317 bassguitar01
19318 flyingv01
19319 warlock01
19320 pumpkin01
19321 cuntainer

Objects added in 0.3d RC3-3 (4 Objects)

19301	mp_sfpd_nocell
19302 pd_jail_door01
19303 pd_jail_door02
19304 pd_jail_door_top01

Bridge from GTALC

The following objects (19300 to 19307) were removed in SA:MP 0.3d

19300	bridge_liftsec
19301 subbridge01
19302 subbridge07
19303 subbridge19
19304 subbridge20
19305 subbridge_lift
19306 verticalift_bridg2
19307 verticalift_bridge

Objects added in 0.3c RC5 (143 Objects)

19164	GTASAMap1
19165 GTASAMap2
19166 GTASAMap3
19167 GTASAMap4
19168 GTASAMap5
19169 GTASAMap6
19170 GTASAMap7
19171 GTASAMap8
19172 SAMPPicture1
19173 SAMPPicture2
19174 SAMPPicture3
19175 SAMPPicture4
19176 LSOffice1Door1
19177 MapMarkerNew1
19178 MapMarkerNew2
19179 MapMarkerNew3
19180 MapMarkerNew4
19181 MapMarkerNew5
19182 MapMarkerNew6
19183 MapMarkerNew7
19184 MapMarkerNew8
19185 MapMarkerNew9
19186 MapMarkerNew10
19187 MapMarkerNew11
19188 MapMarkerNew12
19189 MapMarkerNew13
19190 MapMarkerNew14
19191 MapMarkerNew15
19192 MapMarkerNew16
19193 MapMarkerNew17
19194 MapMarkerNew18
19195 MapMarkerNew19
19196 MapMarkerNew20
19197 EnExMarker2
19198 EnExMarker3
19200 PoliceHelmet1
19201 MapMarker1
19202 MapMarker2
19203 MapMarker3
19204 MapMarker4
19205 MapMarker5
19206 MapMarker6
19207 MapMarker7
19208 MapMarker8
19209 MapMarker9
19210 MapMarker10
19211 MapMarker11
19212 MapMarker12
19213 MapMarker13
19214 MapMarker14
19215 MapMarker15
19216 MapMarker16
19217 MapMarker17
19218 MapMarker18
19219 MapMarker19
19220 MapMarker20
19221 MapMarker21
19222 MapMarker22
19223 MapMarker23
19224 MapMarker24
19225 MapMarker25
19226 MapMarker26
19227 MapMarker27
19228 MapMarker28
19229 MapMarker29
19230 MapMarker30
19231 MapMarker31
19232 MapMarker32
19233 MapMarker33
19234 MapMarker34
19235 MapMarker35
19236 MapMarker36
19237 MapMarker37
19238 MapMarker38
19239 MapMarker39
19240 MapMarker40
19241 MapMarker41
19242 MapMarker42
19243 MapMarker43
19244 MapMarker44
19245 MapMarker45
19246 MapMarker46
19247 MapMarker47
19248 MapMarker48
19249 MapMarker49
19250 MapMarker50
19251 MapMarker51
19252 MapMarker52
19253 MapMarker53
19254 MapMarker54
19255 MapMarker55
19256 MapMarker56
19257 MapMarker57
19258 MapMarker58
19259 MapMarker59
19260 MapMarker60
19261 MapMarker61
19262 MapMarker62
19263 MapMarker63
19264 MapMarker1a
19265 MapMarker1b
19266 MapMarker31a
19267 MapMarker31b
19268 MapMarker31c
19269 MapMarker31d
19270 MapMarkerFire1
19271 MapMarkerLight1
19272 DMCage3
19273 KeypadNonDynamic
19274 Hair5
19275 SAMPLogo2
19276 SAMPLogo3
19277 LiftType1
19278 LiftPlatform1
19279 LCSmallLight1
19280 CarRoofLight1
19281 PointLight1
19282 PointLight2
19283 PointLight3
19284 PointLight4
19285 PointLight5
19286 PointLight6
19287 PointLight7
19288 PointLight8
19289 PointLight9
19290 PointLight10
19291 PointLight11
19292 PointLight12
19293 PointLight13
19294 PointLight14
19295 PointLight15
19296 PointLight16
19297 PointLight17
19298 PointLight18
19299 PointLightMoon1

Objects added in 0.3c RC4 (109 Objects)

19054	XmasBox1
19055 XmasBox2
19056 XmasBox3
19057 XmasBox4
19058 XmasBox5
19059 XmasOrb1
19060 XmasOrb2
19061 XmasOrb3
19062 XmasOrb4
19063 XmasOrb5
19064 SantaHat1
19065 SantaHat2
19066 SantaHat3
19067 HoodyHat1
19068 HoodyHat2
19069 HoodyHat3
19070 WSDown1
19071 WSStraight1
19072 WSBend45Deg1
19073 WSRocky1
19074 Cage20mx20mx10mv2
19075 Cage5mx5mx3mv2
19076 XmasTree1
19077 Hair3
19078 TheParrot1
19079 TheParrot2
19080 LaserPointer2
19081 LaserPointer3
19082 LaserPointer4
19083 LaserPointer5
19084 LaserPointer6
19085 EyePatch1
19086 ChainsawDildo1
19087 Rope1
19088 Rope2
19089 Rope3
19090 PomPomBlue
19091 PomPomRed
19092 PomPomGreen
19093 HardHat2
19094 BurgerShotHat1
19095 CowboyHat1
19096 CowboyHat3
19097 CowboyHat4
19098 CowboyHat5
19099 PoliceCap2
19100 PoliceCap3
19101 ArmyHelmet1
19102 ArmyHelmet2
19103 ArmyHelmet3
19104 ArmyHelmet4
19105 ArmyHelmet5
19106 ArmyHelmet6
19107 ArmyHelmet7
19108 ArmyHelmet8
19109 ArmyHelmet9
19110 ArmyHelmet10
19111 ArmyHelmet11
19112 ArmyHelmet12
19113 SillyHelmet1
19114 SillyHelmet2
19115 SillyHelmet3
19116 PlainHelmet1
19117 PlainHelmet2
19118 PlainHelmet3
19119 PlainHelmet4
19120 PlainHelmet5
19121 BollardLight1
19122 BollardLight2
19123 BollardLight3
19124 BollardLight4
19125 BollardLight5
19126 BollardLight6
19127 BollardLight7
19128 DanceFloor1
19129 DanceFloor2
19130 ArrowType1
19131 ArrowType2
19132 ArrowType3
19133 ArrowType4
19134 ArrowType5
19135 EnExMarker1
19136 Hair4
19137 CluckinBellHat1
19138 PoliceGlasses1
19139 PoliceGlasses2
19140 PoliceGlasses3
19141 SWATHelmet1
19142 SWATArmour1
19143 PinSpotLight1
19144 PinSpotLight2
19145 PinSpotLight3
19146 PinSpotLight4
19147 PinSpotLight5
19148 PinSpotLight6
19149 PinSpotLight7
19150 PinSpotLight8
19151 PinSpotLight9
19152 PinSpotLight10
19153 PinSpotLight11
19154 PinSpotLight12
19155 PinSpotLight13
19156 PinSpotLight14
19157 MetalLightBars1
19158 MetalLightBars2
19159 MirrorBall1
19160 HardHat3
19161 PoliceHat1
19162 PoliceHat2
19163 GimpMask1
19901 animtube

Objects added in 0.3c RC2 and RC3 - 154 Objects

18851	TubeToRoad1
18852 Tube100m1
18853 Tube100m45Bend1
18854 Tube100m90Bend1
18855 Tube100m180Bend1
18856 Cage5mx5mx3m
18857 Cage20mx20mx10m
18858 FoamHoop1
18859 QuarterPipe1
18860 skyscrpunbuilt2
18861 scaffoldlift
18862 GarbagePileRamp1
18863 SnowArc1
18864 FakeSnow1
18865 MobilePhone1
18866 MobilePhone2
18867 MobilePhone3
18868 MobilePhone4
18869 MobilePhone5
18870 MobilePhone6
18871 MobilePhone7
18872 MobilePhone8
18873 MobilePhone9
18874 MobilePhone10
18875 Pager1
18876 BigGreenGloop1
18877 FerrisWheelBit
18878 FerrisBaseBit
18879 FerrisCageBit
18880 SpeedCamera1
18881 SkyDivePlatform2
18882 HugeBowl1
18883 HugeBowl2
18884 HugeBowl3
18885 GunVendingMachine1
18886 ElectroMagnet1
18887 ForceField1
18888 ForceField2
18889 ForceField3
18890 Rake1
18891 Bandana1
18892 Bandana2
18893 Bandana3
18894 Bandana4
18895 Bandana5
18896 Bandana6
18897 Bandana7
18898 Bandana8
18899 Bandana9
18900 Bandana10
18901 Bandana11
18902 Bandana12
18903 Bandana13
18904 Bandana14
18905 Bandana15
18906 Bandana16
18907 Bandana17
18908 Bandana18
18909 Bandana19
18910 Bandana20
18911 Mask1
18912 Mask2
18913 Mask3
18914 Mask4
18915 Mask5
18916 Mask6
18917 Mask7
18918 Mask8
18919 Mask9
18920 Mask10
18921 Beret1
18922 Beret2
18923 Beret3
18924 Beret4
18925 Beret5
18926 Hat1
18927 Hat2
18928 Hat3
18929 Hat4
18930 Hat5
18931 Hat6
18932 Hat7
18933 Hat8
18934 Hat9
18935 Hat10
18936 Helmet1
18937 Helmet2
18938 Helmet3
18939 CapBack1
18940 CapBack2
18941 CapBack3
18942 CapBack4
18943 CapBack5
18944 HatBoater1
18945 HatBoater2
18946 HatBoater3
18947 HatBowler1
18948 HatBowler2
18949 HatBowler3
18950 HatBowler4
18951 HatBowler5
18952 BoxingHelmet1
18953 CapKnit1
18954 CapKnit2
18955 CapOverEye1
18956 CapOverEye2
18957 CapOverEye3
18958 CapOverEye4
18959 CapOverEye5
18960 CapRimUp1
18961 CapTrucker1
18962 CowboyHat2
18963 CJElvisHead
18964 SkullyCap1
18965 SkullyCap2
18966 SkullyCap3
18967 HatMan1
18968 HatMan2
18969 HatMan3
18970 HatTiger1
18971 HatCool1
18972 HatCool2
18973 HatCool3
18974 MaskZorro1
18975 Hair2
18976 MotorcycleHelmet2
18977 MotorcycleHelmet3
18978 MotorcycleHelmet4
18979 MotorcycleHelmet5
18980 Concrete1mx1mx25m
18981 Concrete1mx25mx25m
18982 Tube100m3
18983 Tube100m4
18984 Tube100m5
18985 Tube100m6
18986 TubeToPipe1
18987 Tube25m1
18988 Tube25mCutEnd1
18989 Tube25m45Bend1
18990 Tube25m90Bend1
18991 Tube25m180Bend1
18992 Tube10m45Bend1
18993 Tube10m90Bend1
18994 Tube10m180Bend1
18995 Tube5m1
18996 Tube5m45Bend1
18997 Tube1m1
18998 Tube200m1
18999 Tube200mBendy1
19000 Tube200mBulge1
19001 VCWideLoop1
19002 FireHoop1
19003 LAOfficeFloors1
19004 RoundBuilding1
19005 RampT4
19006 GlassesType1
19007 GlassesType2
19008 GlassesType3
19009 GlassesType4
19010 GlassesType5
19011 GlassesType6
19012 GlassesType7
19013 GlassesType8
19014 GlassesType9
19015 GlassesType10
19016 GlassesType11
19017 GlassesType12
19018 GlassesType13
19019 GlassesType14
19020 GlassesType15
19021 GlassesType16
19022 GlassesType17
19023 GlassesType18
19024 GlassesType19
19025 GlassesType20
19026 GlassesType21
19027 GlassesType22
19028 GlassesType23
19029 GlassesType24
19030 GlassesType25
19031 GlassesType26
19032 GlassesType27
19033 GlassesType28
19034 GlassesType29
19035 GlassesType30
19036 HockeyMask1
19037 HockeyMask2
19038 HockeyMask3
19039 WatchType1
19040 WatchType2
19041 WatchType3
19042 WatchType4
19043 WatchType5
19044 WatchType6
19045 WatchType7
19046 WatchType8
19047 WatchType9
19048 WatchType10
19049 WatchType11
19050 WatchType12
19051 WatchType13
19052 WatchType14
19053 WatchType15

Objects added in 0.3c RC1

The objects below were added in 0.3c RC1.

Holding Objects

18632	FishingRod
18633 GTASAWrench1
18634 GTASACrowbar1
18635 GTASAHammer1
18636 PoliceCap1
18637 PoliceShield1
18638 HardHat1
18639 BlackHat1
18640 Hair1
18641 Flashlight1
18642 Taser1
18643 LaserPointer1
18644 Screwdriver1
18645 MotorcycleHelmet1


18646	PoliceLight1
18647 RedNeonTube1
18648 BlueNeonTube1
18649 GreenNeonTube1
18650 YellowNeonTube1
18651 PinkNeonTube1
18652 WhiteNeonTube1
18653 DiscoLightRed
18654 DiscoLightGreen
18655 DiscoLightBlue
18656 LightBeamWhite
18657 LightBeamRed
18658 LightBeamBlue

Spray Tags

18659	SprayTag1
18660 SprayTag2
18661 SprayTag3
18662 SprayTag4
18663 SprayTag5
18664 SprayTag6
18665 SprayTag7
18666 SprayTag8
18667 SprayTag9

Particle Effects

18668	blood_heli
18669 boat_prop
18670 camflash
18671 carwashspray
18672 cementp
18673 cigarette_smoke
18674 cloudfast
18675 coke_puff
18676 coke_trail
18677 exhale
18678 explosion_barrel
18679 explosion_crate
18680 explosion_door
18681 explosion_fuel_car
18682 explosion_large
18683 explosion_medium
18684 explosion_molotov
18685 explosion_small
18686 explosion_tiny
18687 extinguisher
18688 fire
18689 fire_bike+
18690 fire_car
18691 fire_large
18692 fire_med
18693 Flame99
18694 flamethrower
18695 gunflash
18696 gunsmoke
18697 heli_dust
18698 insects
18699 jetpack
18700 jetthrust
18701 molotov_flame
18702 nitro
18703 overheat_car
18704 overheat_car_elec
18705 petrolcan
18706 prt_blood
18707 prt_boatsplash
18708 prt_bubble
18709 prt_cardebris
18710 prt_collisionsmoke
18711 prt_glass
18712 prt_gunshell
18713 prt_sand2
18714 prt_sand
18715 prt_smoke_huge
18716 prt_smoke_expand
18717 prt_spark
18718 prt_spark_2
18719 prt_wake
18720 prt_watersplash
18721 prt_wheeldirt
18722 puke
18723 riot_smoke
18724 shootlight
18725 smoke30lit
18726 smoke30m
18727 smoke50lit
18728 smoke_flare
18729 spraycan
18730 tank_fire
18731 teargas99
18732 teargasAD
18733 tree_hit_fir
18734 tree_hit_palm
18735 vent2
18736 vent
18737 wallbust
18738 water_fnt_tme
18739 water_fountain
18740 water_hydrant
18741 water_ripples
18742 water_speed
18743 water_splash
18744 water_splash_big
18745 water_splsh_sml
18746 water_swim
18747 waterfall_end
18748 WS_factorysmoke

SA:MP Logos

18749	SAMPLogoSmall
18750 SAMPLogoBig

Land Masses

18751	IslandBase1
18752 Volcano

Base Sections

18753	Base125mx125m1
18754 Base250mx250m1

Elevator from VC

18755	VCElevator1
18756 ElevatorDoor1
18757 ElevatorDoor2
18758 VCElevatorFront1

DM Cages

18759	DMCage1
18760 DMCage2


18761	RaceFinishLine1


18762	Concrete1mx1mx5m
18763 Concrete3mx3mx5m
18764 Concrete5mx5mx5m
18765 Concrete10mx10mx5m
18766 Concrete10mx1mx5m
18767 ConcreteStair1

Sky Diving Platforms

18768	SkyDivePlatform1
18769 SkyDivePlatform1a
18770 SkyDivePlatform1b
18771 SpiralStair1

Tunnel Sections

18772	TunnelSection1
18773 TunnelJoinSection1
18774 TunnelJoinSection2
18775 TunnelJoinSection3
18776 TunnelJoinSection4
18777 TunnelSpiral1


18778	RampT1
18779 RampT2
18780 RampT3
18781 MeshRampBig
18782 CookieRamp1
18783 FunBoxTop1
18784 FunBoxRamp1
18785 FunBoxRamp2
18786 FunBoxRamp3
18787 FunBoxRamp4

Modular Road Sections

18788	MRoad40m
18789 MRoad150m
18790 MRoadBend180Deg1
18791 MRoadBend45Deg
18792 MRoadTwist15DegL
18793 MRoadTwist15DegR
18794 MRoadBend15Deg1
18795 MRoadBend15Deg2
18796 MRoadBend15Deg3
18797 MRoadBend15Deg4
18798 MRoadB45T15DegL
18799 MRoadB45T15DegR
18800 MRoadHelix1
18801 MRoadLoop1

Modular Bridge Sections

18802	MBridgeRamp1
18803 MBridge150m1
18804 MBridge150m2
18805 MBridge150m3
18806 MBridge150m4
18807 MBridge75mHalf

Tubes and Funnels

18808	Tube50m1
18809 Tube50mGlass1
18810 Tube50mBulge1
18811 Tube50mGlassBulge1
18812 Tube50mFunnel1
18813 Tube50mGlassFunnel1
18814 Tube50mFunnel2
18815 Tube50mFunnel3
18816 Tube50mFunnel4
18817 Tube50mTSection1
18818 Tube50mGlassT1
18819 Tube50mPlus1
18820 Tube50mGlassPlus1
18821 Tube50m45Bend1
18822 Tube50mGlass45Bend1
18823 Tube50m90Bend1
18824 Tube50mGlass90Bend1
18825 Tube50m180Bend1
18826 Tube50mGlass180Bend
18827 Tube100m2
18828 SpiralTube1
18829 RTexturetube
18830 RTexturebridge
18831 RT25mBend90Tube1
18832 RT25mBend180Tube1
18833 RT50mBend45Tube1
18834 RT50mBend180Tube1
18835 RBFunnel
18836 RBHalfpipe
18837 RB25mBend90Tube
18838 RB25mBend180Tube
18839 RB50mBend45Tube
18840 RB50mBend90Tube
18841 RB50mBend180Tube
18842 RB50mTube


18843	GlassSphere1
18844 WaterUVAnimSphere1
18845 RTexturesphere

More Stuff

18846	BigCesar (removed in SA-MP 0.3d RC3-3)
18847 HugeHalfPipe1
18848 SamSiteNonDynamic
18849 ParaDropNonDynamic
18850 HeliPad1