This function was added in omp v1.1.0.2612 and will not work in earlier versions!
Creates a pickup which will be visible to only one player.
Name | Description |
playerid | The ID of the player to create the pickup for. |
model | The model of the pickup. |
type | The pickup type. Determines how the pickup responds when picked up. |
Float:x | The X coordinate to create the pickup at. |
Float:y | The Y coordinate to create the pickup at. |
Float:z | The Z coordinate to create the pickup at. |
virtualWorld | The virtual world ID of the pickup. Use -1 to make the pickup show in all worlds. |
The ID of the created player-pickup, -1 on failure (pickup max limit).
new PlayerPickupArmour[MAX_PLAYERS]; // Create a variable to store the player-pickup ID in
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
PlayerPickupArmour[playerid] = CreatePlayerPickup(playerid, 1242, 2, 2010.0979, 1222.0642, 10.8206, -1);
// Create an armour pickup and store the ID in 'PlayerPickupArmour[playerid]'
return 1;
- The only type of pickup that can be picked up from inside a vehicle is 14 (except for special pickups such as bribes).
- Pickups are shown to, and can be picked up by all players.
- It is possible that if DestroyPlayerPickup() is used when a pickup is picked up, more than one player can pick up the pickup, due to lag. This can be circumvented through the use of variables.
- Certain pickup types come with 'automatic responses', for example using an M4 model in the pickup will automatically give the player the weapon and some ammo.
- For fully scripted pickups, type 1 should be used.
Known Bug(s):
- Pickups that have a X or Y lower than -4096.0 or bigger than 4096.0 won't show up and won't trigger OnPlayerPickUpPlayerPickup either.
Related Functions
- CreatePlayerPickup: Creates a pickup which will be visible to only one player.
- DestroyPlayerPickup: Destroy a player-pickup.
- IsValidPlayerPickup: Checks if a player-pickup is valid.
- IsPlayerPickupStreamedIn: Checks if a player-pickup is streamed in for the player.
- SetPlayerPickupPos: Sets the position of a player-pickup.
- GetPlayerPickupPos: Gets the coordinates of a player-pickup.
- SetPlayerPickupModel: Sets the model of a player-pickup.
- GetPlayerPickupModel: Gets the model ID of a player-pickup.
- SetPlayerPickupType: Sets the type of a player-pickup.
- GetPlayerPickupType: Gets the type of a player-pickup.
- SetPlayerPickupVirtualWorld: Sets the virtual world ID of a player-pickup.
- GetPlayerPickupVirtualWorld: Gets the virtual world ID of a player-pickup.
Related Callbacks
The following callbacks might be useful, as they're related to this function.
- OnPlayerPickUpPlayerPickup: Called when a player picks up a player-pickup.
- OnPlayerPickupStreamIn: Called when a player-pickup enters the visual range of the player.
- OnPlayerPickupStreamOut: Called when a player-pickup leaves the visual range of the player.