Ugrás a fő tartalomhoz



Replace the texture of an object with text.

objectidThe ID of the object to replace the texture of with text.
const text[]The text to show on the object. (MAX 2048 characters)
materialIndexThe object's material index to replace with text.
OBJECT_MATERIAL_SIZE:materialsizeThe size of the material.
const fontFace[]The font to use.
fontSizeThe size of the text (MAX 255).
bool:boldBold text. Set to true for bold, false for not.
fontColourThe color of the text, in ARGB format.
backgroundColourThe background color, in ARGB format.
OBJECT_MATERIAL_TEXT_ALIGN:textAlignmentThe alignment of the text (default: left).
OPEN_MP_TAGS:...Indefinite number of arguments of any tag.


true - The function was executed successfully.

false - The function failed to execute.


public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if (strcmp("/text", cmdtext, true) == 0)
new objectId = CreateObject(19353, 0, 0, 10, 0.0, 0.0, 90.0); //create the object
SetObjectMaterialText(objectId, "SA-MP {FFFFFF}0.{008500}3.{FF8200}DL", 0, OBJECT_MATERIAL_SIZE_256x128, "Arial", 28, false, 0xFFFF8200, 0xFF000000, OBJECT_MATERIAL_TEXT_ALIGN_CENT);
// write "SA-MP 0.3.DL" on the object, with orange font color and black background
return 1;
return 0;



Color embedding can be used for multiple colors in the text.


You MUST use ARGB color format, not RGBA like used in client messages etc. Text does not update after 16 calls against the same object.

Advanaced Map Editors