This function starts with a lowercase letter.
Get the contents of field as an integer with specified name.
Name | Description |
DBResult:dbresult | The result to get the data from |
field[] | The fieldname to get the data from |
Retrieved value as an integer.
// examples.inc
// ...
// Return value variable
new ret;
// Database result set
new DBResult:db_result_set = db_query("SELECT `value` FROM `examples`");
// If database result set is valid
if (db_result_set)
// Do operations
// Add value from "example" field to the return value variable
ret += db_get_field_assoc_int(db_result_set, "value");
// While next row could be fetched
while (db_next_row(db_result_set));
// Free result set
// Return calculated sum
return ret;
// mode.pwn
// ...
#include <examples>
static DB:gDBConnectionHandle;
// ...
public OnGameModeInit()
// ...
// Create a connection to a database
gDBConnectionHandle = db_open("example.db");
// If connection to the database exists
if (gDBConnectionHandle)
// Successfully created a connection to the database
print("Successfully created a connection to database \"example.db\".");
printf("Calculated sum: %d", Examples_CalculateSum(gDBConnectionHandle));
// Failed to create a connection to the database
print("Failed to open a connection to database \"example.db\".");
// ...
return 1;
public OnGameModeExit()
// Close the connection to the database if connection is open
if (db_close(gDBConnectionHandle))
// Extra cleanup
gDBConnectionHandle = DB:0;
// ...
return 1;
Using an invalid handle other than zero will crash your server! Get a valid database connection handle by using db_query.
Related Functions
- db_open: Open a connection to an SQLite database
- db_close: Close the connection to an SQLite database
- db_query: Query an SQLite database
- db_free_result: Free result memory from a db_query
- db_num_rows: Get the number of rows in a result
- db_next_row: Move to the next row
- db_num_fields: Get the number of fields in a result
- db_field_name: Returns the name of a field at a particular index
- db_get_field: Get content of field with specified ID from current result row
- db_get_field_assoc: Get content of field with specified name from current result row
- db_get_field_int: Get content of field as an integer with specified ID from current result row
- db_get_field_float: Get content of field as a float with specified ID from current result row
- db_get_field_assoc_float: Get content of field as a float with specified name from current result row
- db_get_mem_handle: Get memory handle for an SQLite database that was opened with db_open.
- db_get_result_mem_handle: Get memory handle for an SQLite query that was executed with db_query.
- db_debug_openfiles: The function gets the number of open database connections for debugging purposes.
- db_debug_openresults: The function gets the number of open database results.