Dodaje „statyczny” pojazd (pojazdy są wstępnie ładowane dla graczy) do gamemodu.
Dodaje „statyczny” pojazd (pojazdy są wstępnie ładowane dla graczy) do gamemodu.
Dodaje „statyczny” pojazd (pojazdy są wstępnie ładowane dla graczy) do gamemodu.
Dodaje „komponent” (część tuningową) do pojazdu.
Przyczepia tekst 3D do konkretnego pojazdu.
Attach an object to a vehicle.
Przyczepia obiekt gracza do pojazdu.
Przyczepia jeden pojazd do drugiego jako przyczepa.
Change a vehicle's primary and secondary colors.
Change a vehicle's primary and secondary colours.
Change a vehicle's paintjob.
Creates a vehicle in the world.
Destroy a vehicle.
Detach the connection between a vehicle and its trailer, if any.
Disables collisions between occupied vehicles for a player.
Enable friendly fire for team vehicles.
Get the ID of the vehicle the player is looking at.
Gets the hydra reactor angle of the player's vehicle.
Gets the landing gear state of the current player's vehicle.
Gets the player's last synced trailer ID.
Gets the player's last synced vehicle ID.
Gets the siren state of the player's vehicle.
Get the ID of the vehicle that the player is surfing (stuck to the roof of).
Gets the speed of the player's train.
This function gets the ID of the vehicle the player is currently in.
Find out which seat a player is in.
Get random colour indexes that are valid for the given vehicle model.
Get the ID of the cab attached to a vehicle.
Gets the vehicle colours.
Retrieves the installed component ID (modshop mod(ification)) on a vehicle in a specific slot.
Find out what type of component a certain ID is.
Retrieve the damage statuses of a vehicle.
This function can be used to calculate the distance (as a float) between a vehicle and another map coordinate.
Get the playerid of the person driving the vehicle.
Get the health of a vehicle.
Gets the hydra reactor angle of the vehicle.
Get the interior id of a vehicle.
Gets the current vehicle landing gear state from the latest driver.
Get the last driver of a vehicle.
Gets the actual rotation matrix of the vehicle.
Gets the model ID of a vehicle.
Gets the model count of a vehicle model.
Retrieve information about a specific vehicle model such as the size or position of seats.
Get the number of used vehicle models on the server.
Get the number plate of a vehicle.
Get the occupied tick of a vehicle.
Gets the vehicle's paintjob id.
Allows you to retrieve the current state of a vehicle's doors.
Allows you to retrieve the current state of a vehicle's windows.
Gets a vehicle's parameters.
Returns a vehicle's siren state (on/off).
Gets the highest vehicleid currently in use on the server.
Gets the position of a vehicle.
Get the respawn delay of a vehicle.
Get the respawn tick of a vehicle.
Returns a vehicle's rotation on all axes as a quaternion.
Gets an array variable of the IDs of the created vehicles on the server.
Pobiera liczbę miejsc w pojeździe.
Gets the siren state of the vehicle.
Gets the vehicle spawn location and colours.
Get the ID of the cab attached to a vehicle.
Get the ID of the trailer attached to a vehicle.
Gets the speed of the train.
Get the velocity of a vehicle on the X, Y and Z axes.
Get the virtual world of a vehicle.
Get the rotation of a vehicle on the Z axis (yaw).
Check if a vehicle is occupied.
Hides a vehicle from the game.
Check if a player is inside any vehicle (as a driver or passenger).
Checks if a player is in a specific vehicle.
Checks if a vehicle has a trailer attached to it.
Check if a vehicle is created.
Check if a vehicle is dead.
Checks if a vehicle is hidden.
Check if a vehicle is occupied.
Checks if a vehicle siren is on or off.
Checks if a vehicle is streamed in for a player.
Links a vehicle to an interior.
Use this function before any player connects (OnGameModeInit) to tell all clients that the script will control vehicle engines and lights.
This callback is called when a player starts to enter a vehicle, meaning the player is not in vehicle yet at the time this callback is called.
This callback is called when a player starts to exit a vehicle.
This callback is called when a player sent a trailer update.
This callback is called when a player's client updates/syncs the position of a vehicle they're not driving.
This callback is called when a vehicle element such as doors, tyres, panels, or lights change their damage status.
This callback is called when a vehicle is destroyed - either by exploding or becoming submerged in water.
This callback is called when a vehicle is modded.
This callback is called when a player previews a vehicle paintjob inside a mod shop.
This callback is called when a player exits a mod shop, even if the colors weren't changed.
This callback is called when a vehicle's siren is toggled.
This callback is called when a vehicle respawns.
This callback is called when a vehicle is streamed to a player's client.
This callback is called when a vehicle is streamed out for a player's client (it's so far away that they can't see it).
Sets a player to spectate another vehicle.
Puts a player in a vehicle.
Removes/ejects a player from their vehicle.
Remove a component from a vehicle.
Fully repairs a vehicle, including visual damage (bumps, dents, scratches, popped tires etc.
Sets the angular X, Y and Z velocity of a vehicle.
Sets the vehicle's occupancy.
Sets the vehicle to dead.
Set a vehicle's health.
Set a vehicle numberplate.
Set the occupied tick of a vehicle.
Allows you to open and close the doors of a vehicle.
Allows you to open and close the windows of a vehicle.
Sets a vehicle's parameters for all players.
Set the parameters of a vehicle for a player.
Turn the siren for a vehicle on or off.
Set a vehicle's position.
Set the respawn delay of a vehicle.
Set the respawn tick of a vehicle.
Adjusts vehicle model, spawn location, colours, respawn delay and interior.
Sets a vehicle back to the position at where it was created.
Sets the X, Y and Z velocity of a vehicle.
Sets the 'virtual world' of a vehicle.
Set the Z rotation (yaw) of a vehicle.
Shows the hidden vehicle.
Turn the siren for a vehicle on or off.
Sets the various visual damage statuses of a vehicle, such as popped tires, broken lights and damaged panels.
Is the component legal on a vehicle model?
Convert a car colour index to a HEX colour (RGBA).