Set the skill level of a certain weapon type for a player.
Name | Description |
playerid | The ID of the player to set the weapon skill of. |
WEAPONSKILL:skill | The weapon to set the skill of. |
level | The skill level to set for that weapon, ranging from 0 to 999. A level out of range will max it out. |
This function does not return any specific values.
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
// Make the player use single-handed sawn-off shotguns.
SetPlayerSkillLevel(playerid, WEAPONSKILL_SAWNOFF_SHOTGUN, 1);
return 1;
The skill parameter is NOT the weapon ID, it is the skill type. Click here for a list of skill types.
Related Functions
- GetPlayerSkillLevel: Get the player skill level of a certain weapon type.
- SetPlayerArmedWeapon: Set a player's armed weapon.
- GivePlayerWeapon: Give a player a weapon.
Related Information
- Weapon Skills: List of weapon skills that are used to set player's skill level.