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This function starts with a lowercase letter.


Write text into a file.

File:handleThe handle of the file to write to (returned by fopen).
const string[]The string of text to write in to the file.


The length of the written string as an integer.


// Open "file.txt" in "write only" mode
new File:handle = fopen("file.txt", io_write);

// Check, if file is open
if (handle)
// Success

// Write "I just wrote here!" into this file
fwrite(handle, "I just wrote here!");

// Close the file
// Error
print("Failed to open file \"file.txt\".");

// Open "file.txt" in "read and write" mode
new File:handle = fopen("file.txt");

// Initialize "buf"
new buf[128];

// Check, if file is open
if (handle)
// Success

// Read the whole file
while(fread(handle, buf))

// Set the file pointer to the first byte
fseek(handle, _, seek_begin);

// Write "I just wrote here!" into this file
fwrite(handle, "I just wrote here!");

// Close the file
// Error
print("The file \"file.txt\" does not exists, or can't be opened.");

// Open "file.txt" in "append only" mode
new File:handle = fopen("file.txt", io_append);

// Check, if file is open
if (handle)
// Success

// Append "This is a text.\r\n"
fwrite(handle, "This is a test.\r\n");

// Close the file
// Error
print("Failed to open file \"file.txt\".");



This functions writes to the file in UTF-8, which does not support some localized language symbols.


Using an invalid handle will crash your server! Get a valid handle by using fopen or ftemp.

  • fopen: Open a file.
  • fclose: Close a file.
  • ftemp: Create a temporary file stream.
  • fremove: Remove a file.
  • fread: Read a file.
  • fputchar: Put a character in a file.
  • fgetchar: Get a character from a file.
  • fblockwrite: Write blocks of data into a file.
  • fblockread: Read blocks of data from a file.
  • fseek: Jump to a specific character in a file.
  • flength: Get the file length.
  • fexist: Check, if a file exists.
  • fmatch: Check, if patterns with a file name matches.
  • ftell: Get the current position in the file.
  • fflush: Flush a file to disk (ensure all writes are complete).
  • fstat: Return the size and the timestamp of a file.
  • frename: Rename a file.
  • fcopy: Copy a file.
  • filecrc: Return the 32-bit CRC value of a file.
  • diskfree: Returns the free disk space.
  • fattrib: Set the file attributes.
  • fcreatedir: Create a directory.