Creates a 3D Text Label only for a specific player
Name | Description |
playerid | The player which should see the newly created 3DText Label. |
const text[] | The text to display. |
colour | The text color |
Float:x | X Coordinate (or offset if attached) |
Float:y | Y Coordinate (or offset if attached) |
Float:z | Z Coordinate (or offset if attached) |
Float:drawDistance | The distance where you are able to see the 3D Text Label |
attachedplayer | The player you want to attach the 3D Text Label to. (None: INVALID_PLAYER_ID) |
attachedvehicle | The vehicle you want to attach the 3D Text Label to. (None: INVALID_VEHICLE_ID) |
bool:testLOS | 0/1 Test the line-of-sight so this text can't be seen through walls |
OPEN_MP_TAGS:... | Indefinite number of arguments of any tag. |
The ID of the newly created Player 3D Text Label, or INVALID_3DTEXT_ID
if the Player 3D Text Label limit (MAX_3DTEXT_PLAYER
) was reached.
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if (!strcmp(cmdtext, "/playerlabel", true))
Float:x, Float:y, Float:z,
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
format(string, sizeof(string), "Hello %s!\nI'm at your position", name);
playerTextId = CreatePlayer3DTextLabel(playerid, string, 0x008080FF, x, y, z, 40.0);
return 1;
return 0;
drawDistance seems to be a lot smaller when spectating.
If text[] is empty, the server/clients next to the text might crash! (Fixed in
Related Functions
- DeletePlayer3DTextLabel: Delete a player's 3D text label.
- IsValidPlayer3DTextLabel: Checks if a player's 3D text label is valid.
- UpdatePlayer3DTextLabelText: Change the text of a player's 3D text label.
- GetPlayer3DTextLabelText: Gets the player's 3D text label text.
- GetPlayer3DTextLabelColour: Gets the player's 3D text label colour.
- GetPlayer3DTextLabelPos: Gets the player's 3D text label position.
- GetPlayer3DTextLabelDrawDistance: Gets the player's 3D text label draw distance.
- SetPlayer3DTextLabelDrawDistance: Sets the player's 3D text label draw distance.
- GetPlayer3DTextLabelVirtualWorld: Gets the player's 3D text label virtual world id.
- SetPlayer3DTextLabelVirtualWorld: Sets the player's 3D text label virtual world id.
- GetPlayer3DTextLabelLOS: Gets the player's 3D text label line-of-sight.
- SetPlayer3DTextLabelLOS: Sets the player's 3D text label line-of-sight.
- Create3DTextLabel: Create a global 3D text label.