Set a vehicle numberplate.
Name | Description |
vehicleid | The ID of the vehicle to set the number plate of. |
const numberPlate[] | The text that should be displayed on the number plate. |
true - The function executed successfully.
false - The function failed to execute. The vehicle does not exist
vehicleid = CreateVehicle(542, 2074.73, 1089.89, 10.51, 0.0, -1, -1, -1);
SetVehicleNumberPlate(vehicleid, "ABCD 123");
- This function has no internal error checking.
- Do not assign custom number plates to vehicles without plates (boats, planes, etc) as this will result in some unneeded processing time on the client.
- The vehicle must be re-spawned or re-streamed for the changes to take effect.
- There's a limit of 32 characters on each number plate (including embedded colors).
- The text length that can be seen on the number plate is around 9 to 10 characters, more characters will cause the text to split.
- Some vehicle models has a backward number plate, e.g. Boxville (498) (as an alternative to this vehicle you can use vehicle model ID 609, which is a duplicated Boxville (aka Boxburg), but with a regular number plate).
You can use color embedding on the number plate text.
Related Functions
- GetVehicleNumberPlate: Get the number plate of a vehicle.
- SetVehicleToRespawn: Respawn a vehicle.
- ChangeVehicleColor: Set the color of a vehicle.
- ChangeVehiclePaintjob: Change the paintjob on a vehicle.