This function adds a 'static' pickup to the game.
This function adds a 'static' pickup to the game.
Creates a pickup which will be visible to only one player.
Destroys a pickup created with CreatePickup.
Destroys a player-pickup created with CreatePlayerPickup.
Gets the model ID of a pickup.
Gets the coordinates of a pickup.
Gets the type of a pickup.
Gets the virtual world ID of a pickup.
Gets the model ID of a player-pickup.
Gets the coordinates of a player-pickup.
Gets the type of a player-pickup.
Gets the virtual world ID of a player-pickup.
Hides a pickup for a specific player.
Checks if a pickup is hidden for a specific player.
Checks if a pickup is streamed in for a specific player.
Checks if a player-pickup is streamed in for the player.
Checks if a pickup is valid.
Checks if a player-pickup is valid.
Овај повратни позив се позива када играч подигне играчев пикап креиран помоћу CreatePlayerPickup.
Позива се када играчев пикап уђе у видно поље играча.
Овај повратни позив се активира када player-pickup напусти визуелни домет играча.
Adjusts the pickup model, type, and position for a specific player.
Sets the model of a pickup.
Sets the position of a pickup.
Sets the type of a pickup.
Sets the virtual world ID of a pickup.
Sets the model of a player-pickup.
Sets the position of a player-pickup.
Sets the type of a player-pickup.
Sets the virtual world ID of a player-pickup.
Shows a pickup for a specific player.