Attach a player object to a vehicle.
Name | Description |
playerid | The ID of the player the object was created for. |
objectid | The ID of the object to attach to the vehicle. |
vehicleid | The ID of the vehicle to attach the object to. |
Float:OffsetX | The X position offset for attachment. |
Float:OffsetY | The Y position offset for attachment. |
Float:OffsetZ | The Z position offset for attachment. |
Float:RotX | The X rotation offset for attachment. |
Float:RotY | The Y rotation offset for attachment. |
Float:RotZ | The Z rotation offset for attachment. |
This function does not return any specific values.
public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, PLAYER_STATE:newstate, PLAYER_STATE:oldstate)
if (newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) // If player enters vehicle
// Attach massive cow.
new cow_object = CreatePlayerObject(playerid, 16442, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
AttachPlayerObjectToVehicle(playerid, cow_object, GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
You need to create the object before attempting to attach it to a vehicle.
- CreatePlayerObject: Create an object for only one player.
- DestroyPlayerObject: Destroy a player object.
- IsValidPlayerObject: Checks if a certain player object is vaild.
- MovePlayerObject: Move a player object.
- StopPlayerObject: Stop a player object from moving.
- SetPlayerObjectRot: Set the rotation of a player object.
- GetPlayerObjectPos: Locate a player object.
- SetPlayerObjectPos: Set the position of a player object.
- GetPlayerObjectRot: Check the rotation of a player object.
- AttachPlayerObjectToPlayer: Attach a player object to a player
- CreateObject: Create an object.
- DestroyObject: Destroy an object.
- IsValidObject: Checks if a certain object is vaild.
- MoveObject: Move a object.
- StopObject: Stop an object from moving.
- SetObjectPos: Set the position of an object.
- SetObjectRot: Set the rotation of an object.
- GetObjectPos: Locate an object.
- GetObjectRot: Check the rotation of an object.
- AttachObjectToPlayer: Attach an object to a player.