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Gets a vehicle's parameters.

vehicleidThe ID of the vehicle to get the parameters from.
&engineGet the engine status. If 1, the engine is running..
&lightsGet the vehicle's lights' state. If 1 the lights are on.
&alarmGet the vehicle's alarm state. If 1 the alarm is (or was) sounding.
&doorsGet the lock status of the doors. If 1 the doors are locked.
&bonnetGet the bonnet/hood status. If 1, it's open.
&bootGet the boot/trunk status. 1 means it is open.
&objectiveGet the objective status. 1 means the objective is on.


1 - success

0 - failure (invalid vehicle ID).

The vehicle's parameters are stored in the referenced variables, not in the return value.


new engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective;
GetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective);
//This would cause all the variable above, to become the status of its subject.



If a parameter is unset (SetVehicleParamsEx not used beforehand) the value will be -1 ('unset').


  • SetVehicleParamsEx: Sets a vehicle's params for all players.