PAWN | The scripting language used to make SA:MP scripts |
Gamemodes | The main script that runs on a server |
Filterscripts | Scripts that run alongside gamemodes |
Plugins | Extra functions/capabilites added through a .dll (Windows) or .so (Linux) file |
Include | Pieces of script placed in .inc files to be included in Filterscripts/Gamemodes using #include <name> |
Pawno | The script editor most people use for PAWN |
Masterlist | The server SA:MP stores its data on such as the Internet list |
Deathmatch | A contest where players try to kill each other to win |
Roleplay | A gamemode type where players acting like in real life |
Reallife | A gamemode type which is based on real life but players do not need to act like in real life |