Pickup Types
Available Pickup Types
Most other IDs are either undocumented or are similar to type 1 (but do not use them just because they seem similar to ID 1, they might have side-effects like ID 18 and 20).
id | Description |
0 | The pickup does not always display. If displayed, it can't be picked up and does not trigger OnPlayerPickUpPickup and it will stay after server shutdown. |
1 | Exists always. Disables pickup scripts such as horseshoes and oysters to allow for scripted actions ONLY. Will trigger OnPlayerPickUpPickup every few seconds. |
2 | Disappears after pickup, respawns after 30 seconds if the player is at a distance of at least 15 meters. |
3 | Disappears after pickup, respawns after death. |
4 | Disappears after 15 to 20 seconds. Respawns after death. |
8 | Disappears after pickup, but has no effect. |
11 | Blows up a few seconds after being created (bombs?) |
12 | Blows up a few seconds after being created. |
13 | Invisible. Triggers checkpoint sound when picked up with a vehicle, but doesn't trigger OnPlayerPickUpPickup. |
14 | Disappears after pickup, can only be picked up with a vehicle. Triggers checkpoint sound. |
15 | Same as type 2. |
18 | Similar to type 1. Pressing Tab (KEY_ACTION) makes it disappear but the key press doesn't trigger OnPlayerPickUpPickup. |
19 | Disappears after pickup, but doesn't respawn. Makes "cash pickup" sound if picked up. |
20 | Similar to type 1. Disappears when you take a picture of it with the Camera weapon, which triggers "Snapshot # out of 0" message. Taking a picture doesn't trigger OnPlayerPickUpPickup. |
22 | Same as type 3. |