Vehicle Information Types
Vehicle Information Type | Description |
VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_FRONTSEAT | Position of the front seat* |
VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_REARSEAT | Position of the rear seat* |
VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_PETROLCAP | Position of the fuel cap* |
VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_WHEELSFRONT | Position of the front wheels* |
VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_WHEELSREAR | Position of the rear wheels* |
VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_WHEELSMID | Position of the middle wheels (applies to vehicles with 3 axes)* |
VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_FRONT_BUMPER_Z | Height of the front bumper |
VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_REAR_BUMPER_Z | Height of the rear bumper |
* = These values are calculated from the center of the vehicle.
- GetVehicleModelInfo: Retrieve information about a specific vehicle model such as the size or position of seats.