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This function was added in omp v1.1.0.2612 and will not work in earlier versions!
Get the animation the actor is currently performing.
Name | Description |
actorid | The ID of the actor to get the animation of. |
animationLibrary[] | An array into which to store the animationLibrary in, passed by reference. |
librarySize | The size of the animationLibrary array. |
animationName[] | An array into which to store the animationName in, passed by reference. |
nameSize | The size of the animationName array. |
&Float:delta | A float variable into which to store the delta in, passed by reference. |
&bool:loop | A boolean variable into which to store the loop in, passed by reference. |
&bool:lockX | A float variable into which to store the lockX in, passed by reference. |
&bool:lockY | A float variable into which to store the lockY in, passed by reference. |
&bool:freeze | A boolean variable into which to store the freeze in, passed by reference. |
&time | A variable into which to store the time in, passed by reference. |
Return Values
Returns true if the actor is valid, otherwise returns false.
new gMyActor;
public OnGameModeInit()
gMyActor = CreateActor(179, 1153.9640, -1772.3915, 16.5920, 0.0000);
ApplyActorAnimation(gMyActor, "PED", "IDLE_CHAT", 4.1, true, true, true, true, 0);
new animationLibrary[32],
GetActorAnimation(gMyActor, animationLibrary, sizeof animationLibrary, animationName, sizeof animationName, delta, loop, lockX, lockY, freeze, time);
return 1;
Related Functions
- CreateActor: Create an actor (static NPC).
- ApplyActorAnimation: Apply an animation to an actor.
- ClearActorAnimations: Clear any animations that are applied to an actor.