Chuyển tới nội dung chính


cảnh báo

This function was added in omp v1.1.0.2612 and will not work in earlier versions!


Get the flashing colour of a player gangzone.

playeridThe ID of the player to whom player gangzone is bound.
zoneidThe ID of the player gangzone.


Flashing color of player gangzone.

0: Failed to execute the function. The player gangzone is not shown for the player.


new gGangZoneID[MAX_PLAYERS];

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
// Create the gangzone
gGangZoneID[playerid] = CreatePlayerGangZone(playerid, 2236.1475, 2424.7266, 2319.1636, 2502.4348);

// Show the gangzone to player
PlayerGangZoneShow(playerid, gGangZoneID[playerid], 0xFF0000FF);

// Start player gangzone flash
PlayerGangZoneFlash(playerid, gGangZoneID[playerid], 0x45D1ABFF);

new flashColour = PlayerGangZoneGetFlashColour(playerid, gGangZoneID[playerid]);
// flashColour = 0x45D1ABFF
return 1;