Chuyển tới nội dung chính


cảnh báo

This function was added in beta build 6 and will not work in earlier versions!

cảnh báo

This function was deprecated.

SendClientMessage function now is built-in with format!


This function sends a formatted message to a specific player with a chosen color in the chat. The whole line in the chatbox will be in the set color unless color embedding is used.

playeridThe ID of the player to display the message to.
colorThe color of the message (0xRRGGBBAA Hex format).
const message[]The text that will be displayed (max 144 characters).
{Float, _}:...Indefinite number of arguments of any tag


1: The function was executed successfully. Success is reported when the string is over 144 characters, but the message won't be sent.

0: The function failed to execute. The player is not connected.

Format Specifiers

%iUnsigned Integer
%dSigned Integer
%fFloating-point number
%cASCII character
%xHexadecimal number
%bBinary number
%%Literal '%'
%qEscape a text for SQLite. (Added in 0.3.7 R2)


#define COLOR_RED 0xFF0000FF

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
new number = 5;
SendClientMessagef(playerid, -1, "The variable above is %i", number);
return 1;



You can use color embedding for multiple colors in the message. Using '-1' as the color will make the text white (for the simple reason that -1, when represented in hexadecimal notation, is 0xFFFFFFFF).

cảnh báo

If a message is longer than 144 characters, it will not be sent. Truncation can be used to prevent this. Displaying a message on multiple lines will also solve this issue.