


Set a float player variable's value.

playeridThe ID of the player whose player variable will be set.
const pvar[]The name of the player variable.
Float:valueThe float you want to save in the player variable.


true - The function was executed successfully.

false - The function failed to execute. Either the player specified is not connected, or the variable name is null or over 40 characters.


new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); // Get the players position

SetPVarFloat(playerid, "Xpos", x); // Save the float into a player variable
SetPVarFloat(playerid, "Ypos", y); // Save the float into a player variable
SetPVarFloat(playerid, "Zpos", z); // Save the float into a player variable
return 1;



Variables aren't reset until after OnPlayerDisconnect is called, so the values are still accessible in OnPlayerDisconnect.

  • SetPVarInt: Set an integer for a player variable.
  • GetPVarInt: Get the previously set integer from a player variable.
  • SetPVarString: Set a string for a player variable.
  • GetPVarString: Get the previously set string from a player variable.
  • GetPVarFloat: Get the previously set float from a player variable.
  • DeletePVar: Delete a player variable.