
Assorted tips

• Working with characters and strings

Strings can be in packed or in unpacked format. In the packed format, each cell will typically hold four characters (in common implementations, a cell is 32-bit and a character is 8 bit). In this configuration, the first character in a “pack” of four is the highest byte of a cell and the fourth character is in the lowest byte of each cell.

A string must be stored in an array. For an unpacked string, the array must be large enough to hold all characters in the string plus a terminating zero cell. That is, in the example below, the variable ustring is defined as having five cells, which is just enough to contain the string with which it is initialized:

Listing: unpacked string

new ustring[5] = "test"

In a packed string, each cell contains several characters and the string ends with a zero character. The char operator helps with declaring the array size to contain the required number of characters . The example below will allocate enough cells to hold five packed characters. In a typical implementation, there will be two cells in the array.

Listing: packed string

new pstring[5 char] = !"test"

In other words, the char operators divides its left operand by the number of bytes that fit in a cell and rounds upwards. Again, in a typical implementation, this means dividing by four and rounding upwards.

You can design routines that work on strings in both packed and unpacked formats. To find out whether a string is packed or unpacked, look at the first cell of a string. If its value is either negative or higher than the maximum possible value of an unpacked character, the string is a packed string. Otherwise it is an unpacked string.

The code snippet below returns true if the input string is packed and false otherwise:

Listing: ispacked function

bool: ispacked(string[])
return !(0 <= string[0] <= ucharmax)

An unpacked string ends with a full zero cell. The end of a packed string is marked with only a zero character. Since there may be up to four characters in a 32-bit cell, this zero character may occur at any of the four positions in the “pack”. The operator extracts a character from a cell in an array. Basically, one uses the cell index operator (“[ ]”) for unpacked strings and the character index operator (“”) to work on packed strings.

For example, a routine that returns the length in characters of any
string (packed or unpacked) is:

Listing: my strlen function

new len = 0
if (ispacked(string))
while (string{len} != EOS) /* get character from pack */
while (string[len] != EOS) /* get cell */
return len

If you make functions to work exclusively on either packed or unpacked strings, it is a good idea to add an assertion to enforce this condition:

Listing: strupper function

assert ispacked(string)

for (new i=0; string{i} != EOS; ++i)
string{i} = toupper(string{i})

Although, in preceding paragraphs we have assumed that a cell is 32
bits wide and a character is 8 bits, this should not be relied upon. The size of a cell is implementation defined; the maximum and minimum values are
in the predefined constants cellmax and cellmin. There are similar predefined constants for characters. One may safely assume, however, that both the size of a character in bytes and the size of a cell in bytes are powers of two.

The char operator allows you to determine how many packed characters fit in a cell. For example:

#if 4 char == 1
/* code that assumes 4 packed characters per cell */
#elseif 4 char == 2
/* code that assumes 2 packed characters per cell */
#elseif 4 char == 4
/* code that assumes 1 packed character per cell */
#assert 0 /* unsupported cell/character size */

• Internationalization

Programming examples in this manual have used the English language for all output (prompts, messages, . . . ), and a Latin character set. This is not necessarily so; one can, for example, modify the first “hello world” program on page 5 to:

Listing: “hello world” in Greek

printf "‚„ƒ†…˙ ‡‰ˆ‹ŠŒŽ ˙Š‰ˆ‰‹Š„‘\n"

PAWN has basic support for non-Latin alphabets, but it only accepts non-Latin characters in strings and character constants. The PAWN language requires that all keywords and symbols (names of functions, variables, tags and other elements) be encoded in the ascii character set.

For languages whose required character set is relatively small, a common solution is to use an 8-bit extended ascii character set (the ascii character set is 7-bit, holding 128 characters). The upper 128 codes of the extended set contain glyphs specific for the language. For Western European languages, a well known character set is “Latin-1”, which is standardized as ISO 8859-1 —the same set also goes by the name “codepage 1252”, at least for Microsoft Windows.∗ Codepages have been defined for many languages; for example, ISO 8859-2 (“Latin-2”) has glyphs used in Central and Eastern Europe, and ISO 8859-7 contains the Greek alphabet in the upper half of the extended ascii set.

Unfortunately, codepage selection can by confusing, as vendors of operating systems typically created their own codepages irrespective of what
already existed. As a result, for most character sets there exist multiple incompatible codepages

∗ Codepage 1252 is not exactly the same as Latin-1; Microsoft extended the standardized set to include glyphs at code positions that Latin-1 marks as “reserved”.

For example, codepage 1253 for Microsoft Windows also encodes the Greek alphabet, but it is incompatible with ISO 8859-7. When writing texts in Greek, it now becomes important to check what encoding is
used, because many Microsoft Windows applications support both.

When the character set for a language exceeds 256 glyphs, a codepage does not suffice. Traditionally, the codepage technique was extended by reserving special “shift” codes in the base character set that switch to a new set of glyphs. The next character then indicates the specific glyph. In effect, the glyph is now identified by a 2-byte index. On the other hand, some characters (especially the 7-bit ascii set) can still be indicated by a single byte. The
“Shift-JIS” standard, for the Japanese character set, is an example for the variable length encoding.

Codepages become problematic when interchanging documents or data with people in regions that use a different codepage, or when using different languages in the same document. Codepages that use “shift” characters complicate the matter further, because text processing must now take into account that a character may take either one or two bytes. Scanning through a string from right to left may even become impossible, as a byte may either indicate a glyph from the base set (“unshifted”) or it may be a glyph from a shifted set -in the latter case the preceding byte indicates the shift set, but the meaning of the preceding character depends on the character before that.

The ISO/IEC 10646 “Universal Character Set” (UCS) standard has the ambitious goal to eventually include all characters used in all the written languages in the world, using a 31-bit character set. This solves both of the problems related to codepages and “shifted” character sets. However, the ISO/IEC body could not produce a standard in time, and therefore a consortium of mainly American software manufacturers started working in parallel on a simplified 16-bit character set called “Unicode”. The rationale behind Unicode was that

it would encode abstract characters, not glyphs, and that therefore 65,536 would be sufficient.† In practice, though, Unicode does encode glyphs and not long after it appeared, it became apparent that 65,536 code points would not be enough. To counter this, later Unicode versions were extended with multiple “planes” and special codes that select a plane. The combination of a
plane selector and the code pointer inside that plane is called a “surrogate pair”.

† If Unicode encodes characters, an “Unicode font” is a contradictio in terminis —because a font encodes glyphs.

The first 65,536 code points are in the “Basic Multilingual Plane” (BMP) and characters in this set do not need a plane selector.

Essentially, the introduction of surrogate pairs in the Unicode
standard is equivalent to the shift codes of earlier character sets —and it carries some of the problems that Unicode was intended to solve. The UCS-4 encoding by ISO/IEC 10646 does not have/need surrogate pairs.

Support for Unicode/UCS-4 in (host) applications and operating systems has emerged in two different ways: either the internal representation of characters is multi-byte (typically 16-bit, or 2-byte), or the application stores strings internally in UTF-8 format, and these strings are converted to the proper glyphs only when displaying or printing them. Recent versions of Microsoft Windows use Unicode internally; The Plan-9 operating system pioneered the UTF-8 encoding approach, which is now widely used in Unix/Linux. The
advantage of UTF-8 encoding as an internal representation is that it is physically an 8- bit encoding, and therefore compatible with nearly all existing databases, file formats and libraries. This circumvents the need for double entry-points for functions that take string parameters —as is the case in Microsoft Windows, where many functions exist in an “A”nsi and a “W”ide version. A disadvantage of UTF-8 is that it is a variable length encoding, and many in-memory string operations are therefore clumsy (and inefficient). That said, with the appearance of surrogate pairs, Unicode has now also become a variable length encoding.

The PAWN language requires that its keywords and symbols names are in ascii, and it allows non-ascii characters in strings. There are five ways that a host application could support non-ascii characters in strings and character literals:

1 Support codepages: in this strategy the entire complexity of choosing the correct glyphs and fonts is delegated to the host application. The codepage support is based on codepage mapping files with a file format of the “cross mapping tables” distributed by the Unicode consortium.

2 Support Unicode or UCS-4 and let the PAWN compiler convert scripts that were written using a codepage to “wide” characters: for this strategy, you need to set #pragma codepage or use the equivalent compiler option. The compiler will only correctly translate characters in unpacked strings.

3 Support Unicode or UCS-4 and let the PAWN compiler convert scripts encoded in UTF-8 to “wide” characters: when the source file for the PAWN compiler is in UTF-8 encoding, the compiler expands characters to Unicode/UCS-4 in unpacked strings.

4 Support UTF-8 encoding internally (in the host application) and write the source file in UTF-8 too: all strings should now be packed strings to avoid the compiler to convert them.

For most internationalization strategies, as you can see, the host application needs to support Unicode or UCS-4. As a side note, the PAWN compiler does not generate Unicode surrogate pairs. If characters outside the BMP are needed

and the host application (or operating system) does not support the full UCS-4 encoding, the host application must split the 32-bit character cell provided by the PAWN compiler into a surrogate pair.

The PAWN compiler accepts a source file as an UTF-8 encoded text file —see page 168. When the source file is in UTF-8 encoding, “wide” characters in an unpacked string are stored as multi-byte Unicode/UCS-4 characters; wide characters in a packed string remain in UTF-8 encoding. To write
source files in UTF-8 encoding, you need, of course, a (programmer’s) editor
that supports UTF-8. Codepage translation does not apply for files that
are in UTF-8 encoding.

For an occasional Unicode character in a literal string, an alternative is that you use an escape sequence. As Unicode character tables are usually documented with hexadecimal glyph indices, the xhhh; sequence is probably the
more convenient specification of a random Unicode character. For example,
the escape sequence “\x2209” stands for the “6∈” character.

There is a lot more to internationalization than just basic support for extended character sets, such as formatting date & time fields, reading order (left-to-right or right-to-left) and locale-driven translation of system messages. The PAWN toolkit delegates these issues to the host application.

• Working with tags

The tag name system was invented to add a “usage checking” mechanism to PAWN. A tag denotes a “purpose” of a value or variable, and the PAWN compiler issues a diagnostic message when the tag of an expression does not match the required tag for the context of the expression.

Many modern computer languages offer variable types, where a type specifies the memory layout and the purpose of the variable. The programming language

then checks the type equivalence; the pascal language is very strict at checking type equality, whereas the C programming language is more forgiving. The PAWN language does not have types: all variables have the size and the layout of a cell, although bit representations in the cell may depend on the purpose of the variable. In summary:

  • a type specifies the memory layout and the range of variables and function results

  • a tagname labels the purpose of variables, constants and function results

Tags in PAWN are mostly optional. A program that was “fortified” with tag names on the variable and constant declarations will function identically when all tag names are removed. One exception is formed by user-defined operators: the PAWN compiler uses the tags of the operands to choose between any user- defined operators and the standard operator.

The snippet below declares three variables and does three assignments, two of which give a “tag mismatch” diagnostic message:

Listing: comparing apples to oranges

new apple:elstar /* variable "elstar" with tag "apple" */
new orange:valencia /* variable "valencia" with tag "orange" */
new x /* untagged variable "x" */

elstar = valencia /* tag mismatch */
elstar = x /* tag mismatch */
x = valencia /* ok */

The first assignment causes a “tag mismatch” diagnostic as it assigns an “orange” tagged variable to a variable with an “apple” tag. The second assignment puts the untagged value of x into a tagged variable, which causes again a diagnostic. When the untagged variable is on the left hand of the assignment operator, as in the third assignment, there is no warning or error message. As variable x is untagged, it can accept a value of any weak tag.

The same mechanism applies to passing variables or expressions to functions as function operands —see page 78 for an example. In short, when a function expects a particular tag name on an argument, you must pass an expression/ variable with a matching tag to that function; but if the function expects an untagged argument, you may pass in arguments with any weak tag.

On occasion, it is necessary to temporarily change the tag of an expression. For example, with the declarations of the previous code snippet, if you would wish to compare apples with oranges (recent research indicates that comparing apples to oranges is not as absurd than popular belief holds), you could use:

if (apple:valencia < elstar)
valencia = orange:elstar

The test expression of the if statement (between parentheses) compares the variable valencia to the variable elstar. To avoid a “tag mismatch” diagnostic, it puts a tag override apple: on valencia —after that, the expressions on the left and the right hands of the > operator have the same tag name: “apple:”. The second line, the assignment of elstar to valencia, overrides the tag name of elstar or orange: before the assignment. In an assignment, you cannot override the tag name of the destination; i.e., the left hand of the = operator. It is an error to write “apple:valencia = elstar”. In the assignment, valencia is an “lvalue” and you cannot override the tag name of an lvalue.

As shown earlier, when the left hand of an assignment holds an untagged variable, the expression on the right hand may have any weak tag name. When used as an lvalue, an untagged variable is compatible with all weak tag names. Or rather, a weak tag is silently dropped when it is assigned to an untagged variable or when it is passed to a function that expects an untagged argument. When a tag name indicates the bit pattern of a cell, silently dropping a weak tag can hide errors. For example, the snippet below has an error that is not immediately obvious:

Listing: bad way of using tags

#pragma rational float

new limit = -5.0
new value = -1.0

if (value < limit)
printf("Value %f below limit %f\n", value, limit)
printf("Value above limit\n")

Through the “#pragma rational”, all rational numbers receive the “float” tag name and these numbers are encoded in the 4-byte IEEE 754 format. The snippet declares two variables, limit and value, both of which are untagged (this is the error). Although the literal values -5.0 and -1.0 are implicitly tagged with float:, this weak tag is silently dropped when the values
get assigned to the untagged symbols limit and value. Now, the if statement compares value to limit as integers, using the built-in standard < operator (a user-defined operator would be more appropriate to compare two IEEE 754 encoded values). When run, this code snippet tells us that “Value -1.000000 below limit -5.000000” —which is incorrect, of course.

To avoid such subtle errors to go undetected, one should use strong tags. A strong tag is merely a tag name that starts with an upper case letter, such as Float: instead of float:. A strong tag is never automatically “dropped”, but it may still be explicitly overridden. Below is a modified code snippet with the proposed adaptations:

Listing: strong tags are safer

#pragma rational Float

new Float:limit = -5.0
new Float:value = -1.0

if (value < limit)
printf("Value %f below limit %f\n", _:value, _:limit)
printf("Value above limit\n")

Forgetting the Float: tag name in the declaration of the variables
limit or value immediately gives a “tag mismatch” diagnostic, because the literal values -5.0 and -1.0 now have a strong tag name.

printf is a general purpose function that can print strings and values in various formats. To be general purpose, printf accepts arguments with any weak tag name, be it apple:’s, orange:’s, or something else. The printf function does this by accepting untagged arguments —weak tags are dropped when an untagged argument is expected. Strong tags, however, are never dropped, and in the above snippet (which uses the original definition of printf), I needed to put an empty tag override, “_:”, before the variables value and limit in the first printf call.

There is an alternative to untagging expressions with strong tag names in general purpose functions: adjust the definition of the function to accept both all weak tags and a selective set of strong tag names. The PAWN language supports multiple tag names for every function arguments. The original definition of printf (from the file console.inc) is:

native printf(const format[], ...);

By adding both a Float: tag and an empty tag in front of the ellipsis (“...”), printf will accept arguments with the Float: tag name, arguments without a tag name and arguments that have a weak tag name. To specify plural tag names, enclose all tag names without their final colon between braces with a comma separating the tag names (see the example below). It is necessary to add the empty tag specification to the list of tag names, because printf would otherwise only accept arguments with a Float: tag name. Below is the new definition of the function printf:

native printf(const format[], {Float, _}: ...);

Plural tags allow you to write a single function that accepts cells with a precisely specified subset of tags (strong and/or weak). While a function argument may accept being passed actual arguments with diverse tags, a variable can only have a single tag —and a formal function argument is a local variable in the body of the function. In the presence of plural tags, the formal function argument takes on the tag that is listed first.

On occasion, you may want to check which tag an actual function argument had, when the argument accepts plural tags. Checking the tag of the formal argument (in the body of the function) is of no avail, because it will always have the first tag in the tag list in the declaration of the function argument. You can check the tag of the actual argument by adding an extra argument to the function, and set its default value to be the “tagof” of the argument in question. Similar to the sizeof operator, the tagof operator has a special meaning when it is applied in a default value of a function argument: the expression is evaluated at the point of the function call, instead of at the function definition. This means that the “default value” of the function argument is the actual tag of the parameter passed to the function.

Inside the body of the function, you can compare the tag to known tags by, again, using the tagof operator.

• Concatenating lines

PAWN is a free format language, but the parser directives must be on a single line. Strings may not run over several lines either. When this is inconvenient, you can use a backslash character (“\”) at the end of a line to “glue” that line with the next line.

For example:

#define max_path max_drivename + max_directorystring + \
max_filename + max_extension

You also use the concatenation character to cut long literal strings over multiple lines. Note that the “\” eats up all trailing white space that comes after it and leading white space on the next line. The example below prints “Hello world” with one space between the two words (because there is a space between ”Hello” and the backslash):

print("Hello \

• A program that generates its own source code

An odd, slightly academic, criterion to quantify the “expressiveness” of a programming language is size of the smallest program that, upon execution, re- generates its own source code. The rationale behind this criterion
is that the shorter the self-generating program, the more flexible and expressive the language must be. Programs of this kind have been created for many programming languages —sometimes surprisingly small, as for languages that have a built-in reflective capabilities.

Self-generating programs are called “quines”, in honour of the
philosopher Willard Van Orman Quine who wrote self-creating phrases in natural language. The work of Van Orman Quine became well known through the books “G¨odel, Escher, Bach” and “Metamagical Themas” by Douglas Hofstadter.

The PAWN quine is in the example below; it is modelled after the famous “C” quine (of which many variations exist). At 77 characters, it is amongst the smallest versions for the class of imperative programming languages, and the size can be reduced to 73 characters by removing four “space” characters that were left in for readability.

Listing: quine.p

new s[]="new s[]=%c%s%c; main() printf s,34,s,34"; main() printf s,34,s,34

See the separate application note for proposed native functions that operate on both packed and unpacked strings

EOS: predefined constant to mark the End Of String; it has the value ’\0’

Predefined constants: 102

Packed & unpacked strings: 99

Escape sequence: 99

Tag names: 68

User-defined operators: 86

More tag name rules: 68

lvalue (definition of ~): 104

Directives: 77

Directives: 117

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