


This callback is called when an IP address attempts a connection to the server. To block incoming connections, use BlockIpAddress.

playeridThe ID of the player attempting to connect
ip_address[]The IP address of the player attempting to connect
portThe port of the attempted connection


1 - Will prevent other filterscripts from receiving this callback.

0 - Indicates that this callback will be passed to the next filterscript.

It is always called first in filterscripts.


public OnIncomingConnection(playerid, ip_address[], port)
printf("Incoming connection for player ID %i [IP/port: %s:%i]", playerid, ip_address, port);
return 1;

The following callbacks might be useful, as they're related to this callback in one way or another.

The following functions might be useful, as they're related to this callback in one way or another.

  • BlockIpAddress: Block an IP address from connecting to the server for a set amount of time.
  • UnBlockIpAddress: Unblock an IP that was previously blocked.