Adaugă o clasă la selecția clasei.
Adaugă o clasă la selecția clasei.
Această funcție este exact aceeași cu funcția AddPlayerClass, cu adăugarea unui parametru de echipă.
Enable/Disable the teleporting ability for a player by right-clicking on the map.
Enable/Disable weapons for a player.
Apply an animation to a player.
Can the player use weapons?
Attach a 3D text label to a player.
You can use this function to attach the player camera to objects.
Attaches a player's camera to a player-object.
Attach an object to a player.
You can use this function to attach player-objects to other player-objects.
The same as AttachObjectToPlayer but for objects which were created for player.
Attach a player object to a vehicle.
Ban a player who is currently in the server.
Ban a player with a reason.
Allows a player to edit an object (position and rotation) using their mouse on a GUI (Graphical User Interface).
Allows players to edit a player-object (position and rotation) with a GUI and their mouse.
Clears all animations for the given player (it also cancels all current tasks such as jetpacking, parachuting, entering vehicles, driving (removes player out of vehicle), swimming, etc).
Reset the player's world boundaries to default world boundaries.
Creates an explosion that is only visible to a single player.
Creates a 3D Text Label only for a specific player.
Create player gangzone
Creates an object which will be visible to only one player.
Creates a pickup which will be visible to only one player.
Creates a textdraw for a single player.
Destroy a 3D text label that was created using CreatePlayer3DTextLabel.
Destroy a player-object created using CreatePlayerObject.
Destroys a player-pickup created with CreatePlayerPickup.
Disables (hides/destroys) a player's set checkpoint.
Disable any initialized race checkpoints for a specific player, since you can only have one at any given time.
Enter edition mode for an attached object.
Allows players to edit a player-object (position and rotation) with a GUI and their mouse.
Toggle camera targeting functions for a player.
Toggle stunt bonuses for a player.
Shows 'game text' (on-screen text) for a certain length of time for a specific player.
Makes a gangzone flash for a player.
Get the colour of a gangzone for player
Get the flashing colour of a gangzone for player
Get the position of a gangzone, represented by minX, minY, maxX, maxY coordinates
Hides a gangzone for a player.
Show a gangzone for a player.
Stops a gangzone flashing for a player.
Gets the default colour for the player ID.
Returns all the information on the given game text style.
Returns the maximum number of players that can join the server, as set by the server variable 'maxplayers' in server.
Gets the player's 3D text label attached data.
Gets the player's 3D text label attached data.
Gets the player's 3D text label color.
Gets the player's 3D text label colour.
Gets the player's 3D text label draw distance.
Gets the player's 3D text label draw distance.
Gets the player's 3D text label line-of-sight.
Gets the player's 3D text label position.
Gets the player's 3D text label text.
Gets the player's 3D text label virtual world id.
Gets the amount of ammo in a player's current weapon.
Get the player animation flags.
Returns the index of any running applied animations.
Get the player animation flags.
This function stores the armour of a player into a variable.
Gets the player attachment object data by index.
Gets the number of removed buildings for a player.
Retrieves the aspect ratio of a player's camera.
This function will return the current direction of player's aiming in 3-D space, the coords are relative to the camera position, see GetPlayerCameraPos.
Returns the current GTA camera mode for the requested player.
Get the position of the player's camera.
Allows you to retrieve the ID of the actor the player is looking at (in any).
Allows you to retrieve the ID of the object the player is looking at.
Allows you to retrieve the ID of the player the playerid is looking at.
Allows you to retrieve the ID of the player-object the player is looking at.
Get the ID of the vehicle the player is looking at.
This function returns the vector, that points to the upside of the camera's view, or, in other words, to the middle top of your screen.
Retrieves the game camera zoom level for a given player.
Get the location of the current checkpoint.
Gets the color of the player's name and radar marker.
Returns the class of the players custom skin downloaded from the server.
Get the ID of the dialog currently show to the player.
Get the data of the dialog currently show to the player.
Get the ID of the dialog currently show to the player.
Calculate the distance between a player and a map coordinate.
Checks the player's level of drunkenness.
Gets the angle a player is facing.
Get the fighting style the player currently using.
Get player's ghost mode.
Get a player's gravity.
The function GetPlayerHealth allows you to retrieve the health of a player.
Gets the hydra reactor angle of the player's vehicle.
Retrieves the player's current interior.
Get the specified player's IP address and store it in a string.
Check which keys a player is pressing.
Gets the landing gear state of the current player's vehicle.
Retrieves the start and end (hit) position of the last bullet a player fired.
Gets the player's last synced trailer ID.
Gets the player's last synced vehicle ID.
Get the colour of a player's nametag and radar blip for another player.
Gets the ID of the menu the player is currently viewing (shown by ShowMenuForPlayer).
Retrieves the amount of money a player has.
Get a player's name.
Gets a player's network stats and saves them into a string.
Get the attachment data of a player-object.
Get the attachment offset and rotation of a player-object.
Get the draw distance of a player-object.
Get the material data from an index of the player-object.
Get the material text data from an index of the player-object.
Retrieve the model ID of a player-object.
Get the move speed of a player-object.
Get the move target position of a player-object.
Get the move target rotation of a player-object.
Get the position of a player object (CreatePlayerObject).
Use this function to get the object's current rotation.
Get the sync rotation of a player-object.
Gets the model ID of a player-pickup.
Gets the coordinates of a player-pickup.
Gets the type of a player-pickup.
Gets the virtual world ID of a player-pickup.
Get the ping of a player.
Gets the highest playerid currently in use on the server.
Get the position of a player, represented by X, Y and Z coordinates.
Get the location of the current race checkpoint.
Get the specified player's Raw IP address (v4).
Returns a player's rotation on all axes as a quaternion.
Gets an array variable of the IDs of the current players on the server.
This function returns a player's score as it was set using SetPlayerScore.
Gets the siren state of the player's vehicle.
Get the player skill level of a certain weapon type.
Returns the class of the players skin.
Retrieves a player's current special action.
Gets the ID of the player or vehicle the player is spectating (watching).
Returns the player's spectate type (vehicle or player).
Get a player's current state.
Returns the ID of the object the player is surfing on.
Gets a player's surfing offsets.
Returns the ID of the player-object the player is surfing on.
Get the ID of the vehicle that the player is surfing (stuck to the roof of).
Gets id of an actor which is aimed by certain player.
Check who a player is aiming at.
Get the ID of the team the player is on.
Get the player's current game time.
Gets the speed of the player's train.
This function gets the ID of the vehicle the player is currently in.
Find out which seat a player is in.
Get the velocity (speed) of a player on the X, Y and Z axes.
Returns the SA-MP client version, as reported by the player.
Retrieves the current virtual world the player is in.
Gets the wanted level of a player.
Returns the ID of the weapon a player is currently holding.
Get the weapon and ammo in a specific player's weapon slot (e.
Check the state of a player's weapon.
Get a player's weather.
Get a player's world boundaries.
Gets a player's Z Aim.
Return the current spawn data for a player, where they will spawn next.
Give money to or take money from a player.
Give a player a weapon with a specified amount of ammo.
Does the player currently have text in the given gametext style displayed?
Checks if a player-object has camera collision enabled. (SetPlayerObjectNoCameraCollision)
Stop showing a gametext style for all players.
Stop showing a gametext style to a player.
Hides a menu for a player.
Hide an object for a player.
Hides a pickup for a specific player.
Hides any dialog the player may currently be able to see.
Interpolate a player's camera's 'look at' point between two coordinates with a set speed.
Move a player's camera from one position to another, within the set time.
Check if the gangzone is flashing for player
Check if the gangzone is visible for player
Checks if an object is hidden for a player.
Checks if a pickup is hidden for a specific player.
Checks if a pickup is streamed in for a specific player.
Check if a player is logged in as an RCON admin.
Check if a player has an object attached in the specified index (slot).
Check if the player camera target is enabled.
Check if the player currently has a checkpoint visible.
Checks if a player is connected (if an ID is taken by a connected player).
Check if the player is controllable.
Checks if the player special action is cuffed.
Check if the player gangzone is flashing
Check if the player gangzone is visible.
Check if a player is inside any vehicle (as a driver or passenger).
Check if the player is currently inside a checkpoint, this could be used for properties or teleport points for example.
Check if the player is in driveby mode.
Check if the player in gangzone
Check if the player is in the mod shop.
Check if the player in player gangzone
Check if the player is inside their current set race checkpoint (SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint).
Checks if a player is in range of a point.
Checks if a player is in a specific vehicle.
Check if a player is an actual player or an NPC.
Checks if a slot of player-object material is used.
Checks if the given player objectid is moving.
Checks if a player-pickup is streamed in for the player.
Check if the player currently has a race checkpoint visible.
Checks if a player is spawned.
Checks if a player is streamed in another player's client.
Can this player teleport by right-clicking on the map?
Checks if a player-textdraw is shown for the player.
Check if the player is using the official SA-MP client.
Check if the player is using the launcher.
Checks if a player widescreen is on or off.
Checks if a player's 3D text label is valid.
Check if the player gangzone valid
Checks if the given object ID is valid for the given player.
Checks if a player-pickup is valid.
Checks if a player-textdraw is valid.
Kicks a player from the server. They will have to quit the game and re-connect if they wish to continue playing.
Set the player marker radius.
Move a player object with a set speed.
This callback is called when a pickup enters the visual range of a player.
This callback is called when a pickup leaves the visual range of a player.
This callback is called when a player clicked a gangzone on the pause menu map (by right-clicking).
OnPlayerClickMap este apelat atunci când un jucător plasează o țintă/un punct de referință pe harta meniului de pauză (făcând clic dreapta).
Apelat atunci când un jucător dă dublu clic pe un jucător de pe scoreboard.
This callback is called when a player clicked a player gangzone on the pause menu map (by right-clicking).
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un jucător dă clic pe un player-textdraw.
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un jucător face clic pe un textdraw sau anulează modul de selectare cu tasta ESC.
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un jucător introduce o comandă în chat.
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un jucător se conectează la server.
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un jucător moare, fie prin sinucidere, fie ucis de un alt jucător.
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un jucător se deconectează de la server.
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un jucător încheie modul de ediție a obiectelor atașate.
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un jucător termină editarea unui obiect (EditObject/EditPlayerObject).
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un jucător intră în punctul de control setat pentru acel jucător.
This callback is called when a player enters a gangzone
This callback is called when a player enters a player gangzone
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un jucător intră într-un checkpoint al unei curse.
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un jucător începe să intre într-un vehicul, ceea ce înseamnă că jucătorul nu se află încă în vehicul în momentul în care este apelat.
Apelat când un jucător iese dintr-un meniu.
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un jucător începe să părăsească un vehicul.
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un jucător termină descărcarea modelelor personalizate.
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un jucător dă daune altui jucător.
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un jucător dă daune unui actor.
Apelat când un jucător schimbă interiorul.
Acest callback este apelat atunci când starea oricărei taste acceptate este schimbată (apăsată/eliberată).
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un jucător părăsește punctul de control setat pentru el de SetPlayerCheckpoint.
This callback is called when a player exited a gangzone
This callback is called when a player exited a player gangzone
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un jucător părăsește punctul de control al cursei.
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un obiect player este mutat după MovePlayerObject (când se oprește din mișcare).
Apelat atunci când un jucător preia un pick-up creat cu CreatePickup.
This callback is called when a player picks up a player-pickup created with CreatePlayerPickup.
This callback is called when a player-pickup enters the visual range of the player.
This callback is called when a player-pickup leaves the visual range of the player.
Apelat atunci când un jucător schimbă clasa la selecția clasei (și când apare prima dată selecția clasei).
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un jucător solicită descărcarea unui model personalizat.
Apelat atunci când un jucător încearcă să apară prin selecția clasei, fie apăsând SHIFT, fie făcând clic pe butonul „Apariție”.
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un jucător selectează un articol dintr-un meniu (ShowMenuForPlayer).
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un jucător selectează un obiect după ce SelectObject a fost folosit.
Acest callback este apelat atunci când apare un jucător.
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un jucător își schimbă starea.
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un jucător este transmis în flux de către clientul altui jucător.
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un jucător este transmis în flux de la clientul altui jucător.
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un jucător primește daune.
Apelat atunci când un jucător trimite un mesaj de chat.
Acest callback este apelat de fiecare dată când un client/jucător actualizează serverul cu starea lor.
Acest callback este apelat atunci când un jucător trage o lovitură dintr-o armă.
This callback is called for each connected player when a script is loaded.
This callback is called for each connected player when a script is unloaded.
Play an 'audio stream' for a player.
This function plays a crime report for a player - just like in single-player when CJ commits a crime.
A list of all the player states used by GetPlayerState function or OnPlayerStateChange callback.
Destroy player gangzone
Start player gangzone flash
Get the colour of a player gangzone
Get the flashing colour of a player gangzone
Get the position of a gangzone, represented by minX, minY, maxX, maxY coordinates
Hide player gangzone
Show player gangzone in a color
Stop player gangzone flash
Checks whether the player has their in-game clock enabled.
Plays the specified sound for a player.
Makes a player spectate (watch) another player.
Sets a player to spectate another vehicle.
Set the text alignment of a player-textdraw.
Adjust the background color of a player-textdraw.
Adjust the background colour of a player-textdraw.
Sets the color of a textdraw's box (PlayerTextDrawUseBox).
Sets the colour of a textdraw's box (PlayerTextDrawUseBox ).
Sets the text color of a player-textdraw.
Sets the text colour of a player-textdraw.
Destroy a player-textdraw.
Change the font of a player-textdraw.
Gets the text alignment of a player-textdraw.
Gets the background color of a player-textdraw
Gets the background colour of a player-textdraw
Gets the box color of a player-textdraw
Gets the box colour of a player-textdraw
Gets the text color of a player-textdraw
Gets the text colour of a player-textdraw
Gets the text font of a player-textdraw.
Gets the width and height of the letters.
Get the outline size on a player-textdraw.
Gets the position of a player-textdraw.
Gets the preview model of a 3D preview player-textdraw.
Gets the rotation and zoom of a 3D model preview player-textdraw.
Gets the preview vehicle colors of a 3D preview player-textdraw.
Gets the preview vehicle colors of a 3D preview player-textdraw.
Get the shadow size on a player-textdraw.
Gets the text of a player-textdraw.
Gets the X axis and Y axis of the player-textdraw text size.
Hide a player-textdraw from the player it was created for.
Checks if a player-textdraw is box.
Checks if a player-textdraw is proportional.
Checks if a player-textdraw is selectable.
Sets the width and height of the letters in a player-textdraw.
Set the outline of a player-textdraw.
Sets the position of a player-textdraw.
Sets a player textdraw 3D preview sprite of a specified model ID.
Sets the rotation and zoom of a 3D model preview player-textdraw.
Set the color of a vehicle in a player-textdraw model preview (if a vehicle is shown).
Set the colour of a vehicle in a player-textdraw model preview (if a vehicle is shown).
Appears to scale text spacing to a proportional ratio.
Toggles whether a player-textdraw can be selected or not.
Adds a shadow to the bottom-right side of the text in a player-textdraw.
Change the text of a player-textdraw.
Show a player-textdraw to the player it was created for.
Change the size of a player-textdraw (box if PlayerTextDrawUseBox is enabled and/or clickable area for use with PlayerTextDrawSetSelectable).
Toggle the box on a player-textdraw.
Puts a player in a vehicle.
Record types used by StartRecordingPlayerData.
Removes a standard San Andreas model for a single player within a specified range.
Remove an attached object from a player.
Removes/ejects a player from their vehicle.
Removes a map icon that was set earlier for a player using SetPlayerMapIcon.
Remove a specified weapon from a player.
Reset a player's money to $0.
Removes all weapons from a player.
Adds a death to the 'killfeed' on the right-hand side of the screen for a single player.
Sends a message in the name of a player to all other players on the server.
Sends a message in the name of a player to another player on the server.
Restore the camera to a place behind the player, after using a function like SetPlayerCameraPos.
Adjusts the pickup model, type, and position for a specific player.
Sets the player's 3D text label virtual world id.
Sets the player as an RCON admin.
Set the ammo of a player's weapon.
Sets which weapon (that a player already has) the player is holding.
Set a player's armor level.
Attach an object to a specific bone on a player.
Set the direction a player's camera looks at.
Sets the camera to a specific position for a player.
Creates a chat bubble above a player's name tag.
Sets a checkpoint (red cylinder) for a player.
Set the colour of a player's nametag and marker (radar blip).
Sets the drunk level of a player which makes the player's camera sway and vehicles hard to control.
Set a player's facing angle (Z rotation).
Set a player's special fighting style.
Set a player's gravity.
Set the health of a player.
Attaches an object to a bone.
Set a player's interior.
Place an icon/marker on a player's map.
Change the colour of a player's nametag and radar blip for another player.
Sets the name of a player.
Replace the texture of a player-object with the texture from another model in the game.
Replace the texture of a player object with text.
Set the move speed of a player-object.
Toggles a player object camera collision.
Toggles a player object camera collision.
Sets the position of a player-object to the specified coordinates.
Set the rotation of an object on the X, Y and Z axis.
Sets the model of a player-pickup.
Sets the position of a player-pickup.
Sets the type of a player-pickup.
Sets the virtual world ID of a player-pickup.
Set a player's position.
This sets the players position then adjusts the players z-coordinate to the nearest solid ground under the position.
Creates a race checkpoint.
Set a player's score.
Loads or unloads an interior script for a player (for example the ammunation menu).
Set the skill level of a certain weapon type for a player.
Set the skin of a player.
This function allows to set players special action.
Set the team of a player.
Sets the game time for a player.
Set a player's velocity on the X, Y and Z axes.
Set the virtual world of a player.
Set a player's wanted level (6 brown stars under HUD).
Set a player's weather.
Set the world boundaries for a player.
This function can be used to change the spawn information of a specific player.
Set the parameters of a vehicle for a player.
Shows a previously created menu for a player.
Show an object for a player.
Shows a pickup for a specific player.
Afișează jucătorlui un dialog sincron (doar unul o dată).
Toggles player markers (blips on the radar).
This functions allows you to toggle the drawing of player nametags, healthbars and armor bars which display above their head.
(Re)Spawns a player.
A list of all the player special actions used by GetPlayerSpecialAction and SetPlayerSpecialAction functions.
Starts recording a player's movements to a file, which can then be reproduced by an NPC.
Stops the current audio stream for a player.
Removes attached objects.
Stop a moving player-object after MovePlayerObject has been used.
Stops all the recordings that had been started with StartRecordingPlayerData for a specific player.
Hides a textdraw for a specific player.
Shows a textdraw for a specific player.
Toggle the in-game clock (top-right corner) for a specific player.
Toggles whether a player can control their character or not.
Toggle player's ghost mode.
Toggle whether a player is in spectator mode or not.
Toggle player's widescreen.
Updates a player 3D Text Label's text and color.
Enables the callback when a player enters/leaves this zone
Enables the callback when a player enters/leaves this zone
Uses standard player walking animation (animation of the CJ skin) instead of custom animations for every skin (e.g. skating for skater skins).